Fruits and vegetables forbidden for cats

There are certain fruits and vegetables forbidden for cats. Cats are strictly pure carnivorous animals, they are not omnivorous, as can other animals or the same human being. Your digestive system is capable of digesting animal food without

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Foods rich in taurine for cats

Taurine is one of the most important essential amino acids for the correct functioning of the cardiac muscle, vision, digestive system and reproduction in cats. Unlike other mammals, cats do need the presence of this amino acid in their

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Foods rich in iron for cats

Although it is not found in large quantities in the body, the iron It is a very important mineral for the proper functioning of the same in cats, as in people. There are several causes that can cause the

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Feeding the Siamese cat

Animal file: Siamese

If you want to enjoy a healthy cat, the correct feeding of the Siamese cat is paramount to make your pet healthy and happy.

Siamese cats are healthy and unproductive pets. Apart from basic veterinary care:

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Feeding a pregnant cat

When we welcome a pet in our home we must know that one of our main responsibilities as owners is to offer our pet an adequate diet that allows him to enjoy a good quality of life.

However, the

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Composition of the feed for cats

The most important thing to keep in mind when we think of the best composition of a cat food is that all cats are strict carnivores. That is, they are forced to obtain all their food from meat. In

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Chicken Recipes for cats

The cats are strict carnivores (not omnivores like us) and its digestive system is totally adapted to the optimal digestion of proteins of animal origin. Therefore, although they can benefit from the moderate introduction of certain fruits and vegetables

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Can cats eat raw chicken?

Unlike us, felines are animals strictly carnivores. This means that your digestive system is prepared to digest and absorb proteins of animal origin, so this nutrient should be the mainstay of the cat’s diet.

Logically, your feline can

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Can cats eat pasta?

When we adopt a cat, we assume a great responsibility, since health and well-being will depend exclusively on us. Whether it is a puppy cat or an adult cat, we must inform us properly. The veterinarian will explain

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Can cats eat ice cream?

Surely you have seen circulating on the Internet various videos that show cats trying ice cream from their human friends. After a few seconds, the cats show the characteristic expression of what we call “frozen brain”.

Before running to

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