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Why is my cat very aggressive with other cats?

Did you know aggressiveness Is it one of the most frequent problems in felines? Although obviously not for that reason we should fall into the error of associating cats with aggressiveness, since it is really about domestic animals whose behavior is usually very calm. However, a cat is not a dog and, therefore, does not present the same level of sociability. A cat does not have to accept another cat, in many cases, it does not even accept the presence of members of the human family in the corners that he considers to be his exclusive domain.

These characteristics make up the genuine character of felines, which can sometimes be problematic. In this article we explain you why your cat is very aggressive with other cats and how to act.

What is the aggression between cats?

Have you decided to welcome more than one cat at home? This can be a good option, since each one will benefit from the presence of the other but also increases the risk that the cats can develop an aggressive behavior.

The main causes of a cat being very aggressive with another cat are the following:

  • Cats generally begin to manifest intolerance and aggressiveness towards each other when experistressful situations (removals, visits to the veterinarian, trips or vacations).
  • An inadequate socialization.
  • Conflicts in the organization of the territory.
  • The pain caused by a disease in one of the cats can also lead to aggressive reactions.
  • The cat-hunting instinct can also cause aggression among them, since their predatory instincts can be set in motion before another feline.
  • The aggressiveness of a male cat towards another cat of the same sex is due to hormonal issues and is observed very easily when there is a female in heat next.
  • When a cat goes to the vet or is bathed it may be that his body odor changes. The other cat, not detecting the same smell, can attack it due to ignorance.

In any case it will be very important to know how to calm an aggressive cat, because if our cat attacks a fellow and we try to calm him down with treats, he will learn that aggressiveness brings him benefits.

How to act in case of minor aggressions

The slight aggressions are manifested mainly through snorts and shouts, they are characterized by being very scandalous but rarely cause serious injuries. In these cases we must understand that it is a natural and normal feline communication.

In case of a slight aggression from one cat to another, human intervention should be minimal:

  • It will interfere positively only to distract the attention of cats towards more positive stimuli, such as the game.
  • All spaces of the house must be left open so that the cats have total freedom of movement, and it is not convenient to separate them.
  • It can be used pheromone therapy until achieving stabilize the behavior of both cats. To know what it is and how to obtain the desired results, do not miss our article about natural tranquilizers for cats.

How to act in case of serious aggressions

Serious assaults they are characterized by constant and it can be observed that the conflict occurs between a very active and dominant cat and another that, on the contrary, is very passive. In these cases the cats can get to use all their weapons (nails and teeth) in an attack, therefore, human intervention is essential:

  • La separation with visual contact It is one of the best strategies when a cat is very aggressive with another cat. To do this, both felines will be separated with the help of a grid that allows visual contact and sniffing between them. Initially, the trough and drinking fountain will be located far from the fence, and as the days go by they will gradually approach. When aggressive or fearful behaviors are not observed, cats will be able to be together again. It is important that during the separation, and in spite of it, the game between the cats is encouraged.
  • Pheromone therapy is also an excellent option to stabilize the behavior of both cats.
  • In cases of very high anxiety, and always under veterinary supervision, sedative and / or antidepressant drugs may be used.

Obviously, we recommend that before using pharmacological treatment you have the advice of a feline behavior specialist and at the same time opt for more natural means to prevent a cat from being very aggressive with other cats, such as cat homeopathy.

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