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Why does my cat mew when he sees me?

Although they mostly use body language to communicate, there are many sounds that cats emit and their possible meanings. And surely, the meow is the best known and heard expression in homes where these beautiful felines find the optimal environment for speak freely.

Therefore, if you have the pleasure of sharing your day to day with a cat, you are likely to ask yourself questions such as: “Why does my cat mew when he sees me?”, “Why does my cat mew much?”, Or well “why does my cat mew weird?” As you can see, the meows appear in different contexts and can have different meanings. It all depends on what your cat wants to “say” when he emits this characteristic sound, which reveals a lot about his state of mind and how he reacts to the stimuli he perceives in his environment.

In this article we invite you to know the possible meanings of the meows of the cats to meet your feline companion and know how to interpret what you want to communicate at all times. This will help you not only to understand why your cat meows when he sees you, but also to establish a better communication and strengthen your bond with him.

The meows of the cats and their possible meanings

Meows of a cat can have different meanings, depending on the context in which the animal is and what it wants to express to its tutor or other individuals (human or feline). To interpret each meow, it is essential to know the body language of cats, since vocalization will be accompanied by certain postures and facial expressions They will “reveal” what they feel at that moment. In addition, we must also be alert to tone, intensity and frequency. In general, the louder, more intense and more frequent is the meowing, more urgent and important is the message that the cat wants to transmit.

For example, an aggressive cat will emit strong and intense meows, possibly interspersed with snorts, and will adopt a defensive posture that announces a possible attack (like the bristly, fluffy tail, with bristling hairs, and ears back). On the other hand, a pussycat who meows to announce that he is hungry, will maintain a pattern of prolonged meowing, in addition to locating near their feeder, chasing their owner or near the place where their guardian usually stores food.

During estrus, unsterilized or castrated cats emit strong meows, with a very high tone and insistently. It is a sexual call that looks like an intense scream that can cause us some anguish when we listen to it for many hours. Because estrus in cats can occur at any time of the year, these meows are often frequent in “whole” domestic cats or street females. The only reliable and safe way to control these meows is to sterilize the cat.

Why does your cat mew when it sees you? – 7 motifs

Usually, a cat meows for get your tutor’s attention and communicate a message that seems important to you. However, this message can express different moods, desires or needs that your body experiences. To help you better understand the language and communication of cats, and interpret why your cat meows when he sees you, we summarize below the 7 most common meanings of this vocalization:

  1. Welcome you”: the meow is one of the ways that cats have to greet their tutor. This vocalization has a cheerful tone and is accompanied by equally friendly postures, such as a raised tail, forward ears and a calm facial expression. For that reason, if your cat meows when it sees you arrive at house, we can say that it is giving you the “welcome”.
  2. Ask you something you want or need: when the cat emits a meow of petition, it is communicating a need or a wish to its tutor. For example, hunger, the will to go abroad, the desire to get a treat, etc. In these cases, the meows are strong and intense, and the cat emits them insistently, until getting what it requires. If your cat meows when it sees you insistently and in a high tone, you can be certain that it asks for something. Remember that cats are animals that cling to a routine to feel safe in their environment, then, always respect their feeding schedules and habits in home life.
  3. When you like or are surprised by something you do: cats can also meow when something surprises them, interests or pleases them. This vocalization is very short and resembles a brief cry, like a positive exclamation. Your pussycat can meow in this way to perceive that you take your favorite treat, that you are about to serve a tasty homemade meal that is to your liking or when you take your favorite toy to have fun with him.
  4. When your cat wants to talk: each cat owns a unique personality, which is not determined solely by its genetic inheritance (although it is a relevant factor). The environment, care and education provided by each tutor are also determinants in the behavior of a cat and its way of expressing itself on a day-to-day basis. If your cat is sociable and communicative, and also finds the optimal conditions in your home and has, above all, your affection, you can emit meows to interact with you. So, if your cat meows when it sees you and seems to invite you to converse, responding to your comments with constant and calm meows, take the opportunity to share with your pussycat this moment of friendship and strengthen your bond with him.
  5. Tell you that he is very boredIf your cat is bored or wants to receive some caresses, you can meow to get your attention and request that you spend some time with their needs and desires. In general, these meows will be soft and calm, similar to those that emit cats that have had puppies to get the attention of their little ones. However, if you notice that your cat shows symptoms of boredom constantly, you should pay attention to your environment to verify that your cat finds ways to spend energy, entertain and exercise. Environmental enrichment is crucial to provide a positive environment that encourages your cat to play, practice daily physical activity and exercise your senses and intelligence. This will help manage a healthy weight and maintain a balanced behavior, preventing symptoms of obesity in cats and behavior problems that may be associated with a sedentary routine.
  6. Request your help: if your cat feels pain, is sick or injured you can use your meow to call your attention and ask for help. The tonality, frequency and intensity of these meows will vary according to the urgency, the state of health and the degree of pain that the pussy cat experiences. If your feline meows in a deep and constant way, do not hesitate to take it to the veterinary clinic to verify its state of health. Also, if you notice any negative changes in your appearance or in your usual behavior, we also recommend consulting with your trusted veterinarian.
  7. Communicate your dissatisfaction: if you do something that your cat does not like, such as locking him up, for example, you can hear some meowing calls. This is a way that cats have to communicate their dissatisfaction with certain attitudes of yours or some abnormal events in their home routine. Also, if your cat does not have an enriched environment to entertain while alone at home, these meows may also appear when you must leave and leave him alone, and may be accompanied by frequent crying.

However, and despite the advances in clinical ethology, there is no standard and rigorous manual that allows you to understand the meows of your cat, since each cat is a unique being with a unique behavior. Therefore, it is essential that you spend time aconocer his personality, observe their behavior and learn little by little to interpret each sound and each posture of his. This is a beautiful and very entertaining exercise that will allow you to share good moments with your feline and improve your daily relationship with him.

Does your cat mew much or weird?

As the meowing of cats has several meanings, there are also many possible explanations for why a cat meows a lot. Your pussycat can meow a lot because he is sick and feels pain, Therefore, it is essential to be attentive to ensure your good health and to offer adequate preventive medicine throughout your life. Elderly cats may start to meow more than usual, because the aging causes a progressive deterioration of their senses and cognitive functions, making them feel more vulnerable or weak, and are hypersensitive and reactive to all kinds of stimuli.

If your cat spends a lot of time alone and does not have an enriched environment to entertain and exercise, excessive meowing may appear as a symptom of stress, boredom or anxiety. On the other hand, if you get home and your cat meows a lot when it sees you, it may be asking for your attention and / or reminding you that you are hungry or want to play with you.

On the other hand, if you notice that your cat meows weird or has stopped meowing, you should know that aphonia It can be a symptom of the cold in cats, as well as some conditions in the larynx or respiratory system. Therefore, we recommend taking your kitten to the veterinarian when he perceives any alteration in his vocalizations, postures or behaviors, such as listening to a meow “cut”, deep or weaker than it usually sounds.

Does your cat mew when it needs?

On the other hand, if your cat meows when it goes to the sandbox, you must be careful because this can be a sign that you feel pain and have difficulty urinating or defecating. Painful urination can be a symptom of some diseases of the urinary tract, such as urine infection in cats. But in turn, the pain of defecating or constipation may indicate digestive disorders or the excessive accumulation of hairballs in your gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if you notice that your cat meows when he needs, the ideal is to take it to the vet urgently and tell him about this behavior of your pussycat.

But if your cat has the habit of “Call you” meowing To see him do his needs or to accompany him to eat, you may find yourself in a habit inherited from his childhood. When adopting a puppy cat, many tutors have the habit of being present and accompanying them while they feed or relieve themselves.

It is not a bad thing, since it is really important to pay attention to the nutrition of your cat and verify that his feces or urine do not show any anomaly, such as blood or the presence of parasites. However, your cat can associate this behavior as part of his routine and, therefore, will be carried out by his adult age, due to the conditioning of his puppy stage.

In this case, you will notice that your meow is different, because it does not express pain, but rather it wants to capture your attention and ensure your presence. In addition, as it is a habit, these vocalizations will appear daily, unlike the meows due to pain or difficulty of “going to the bathroom”, which will start suddenly when the organism of the kitten is affected by some condition.

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