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What is de-inking in cats?

If you share your home with one or more kittens, or you are a curious admirer of the feline world, you may already have heard about the “decolonization” and the controversy that awakens among veterinarians, researchers and tutors. However, many people still ask: “What is de-inking in cats?“, What are the consequences for the health and routine of our beloved felines.

The ungrouping in cats consists of a surgical intervention performed under general anesthesia, which has as its objective the amputation of the last phalanx of the fingers. Contrary to what many people think, this surgery does not remove only the cat’s nails, but also leads to a mutilation of its legs. For this reason, in, we will explain why the decoupling has a very negative impact on the physical and mental health of cats. Also, we will give you some tips to facilitate the maintenance of the nails of your pussycat without harming their welfare.

What is untying a cat?

The fingers of cats are composed of three bones (phalanges) and two joints that are located between them to protect them from the wear generated by the friction produced during movements. We also find the nerves and blood vessels that allow the sensitivity and correct oxygenation of the tissues of their legs.

The cat nails They are born from the last bone or phalanx and have an impressive retractable system, which allows the cat to pick up its claws and only leave them exposed when it is really necessary. In the deboning, the last phalanx is amputated of the legs of your pussycat to prevent their nails from growing back. Therefore, it is not a surgical extraction, but a mutilation that removes not only the claws, but also the bone and joint, nerves and blood vessels that make up the fingers of the cats.

For some years, this surgical procedure has gained some popularity in the United States and in Europe, awakening intense debates between veterinarians and researchers of feline nature. Happily, today this practice is already legally prohibited in some countries, such as the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.

Why debuffing is harmful to cats?

To better understand the risks associated with the operation to remove the nails from cats, we must learn to differentiate the surgical procedure itself from its consequences for the quality of life of these animals. Thanks to advances in veterinary medicine, surgeries are safer and represent fewer and fewer risks to the patient’s health.

The procedure performed during debulking involves the same risks as any other surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia. In addition, it is a completely unnecessary mutilation that not only leads to an uncomfortable and painful recovery, but also negatively impacts cats physically and emotionally.

The organism of cats is a whole and each of its parts plays a specific role that allows the balance of physical and cognitive functions. No organ, tissue or cell of the feline body is optional or irrelevant, let alone disposable. This is the most basic and obvious reason why decolonization in cats is not a beneficial or advisable practice for your pussycat.

What happens if you take away your cat’s nails?

Speaking specifically about the nails, it is worth saying that they are key to the well-being of your cat and make up their way of being. In the wild, it would be practically impossible for a feline to survive without their nails, since they use them to hunt and feed, defend themselves and escape from possible predators, dig the earth, stretch their body, and climb on vertical surfaces, either to escape, reach a dam or simply rest in a high and safe place.

Although domestic cats do not need to hunt for their food and are not exposed to predators continuously, nails continue to be essential for the optimal development of their organism. Beyond enjoying your homely routine, cats they maintain their instincts and need to express themselves freely to lead a healthy and happy life. If you watch your cat you will see that he uses his nails to perform practically all his movements and activities in his day to day. They are more than a natural tool and are part of their way of being and relating to their environment.

By amputating your phalanx and nails, you will be depriving your cat of fully developing its body and mind, thereby limiting the exercise of its creativity and intelligence. After decoupling, many cats relapse into a sedentary routine, since they can not scratch or climb, besides being unable to move, run and jump with the same security and balance, thanks to the absence of their claws.

The sedentary lifestyle in cats brings very negative consequences for their physical and mental health. In principle, a cat that does not exercise regularly can gain weight quickly, being more vulnerable to the risks and diseases associated with obesity in cats. In addition, poor physical and mental stimulation can lead to behavioral problems, such as destructiveness or aggressiveness, as well as causing symptoms of stress and depression in cats.

Tips for the maintenance of the nails of your pussycat

Cats’ nails grow constantly, throughout their lives. Therefore, your pussycat you need to wear and sharpen your nails regularly to maintain a long ideal that does not interfere with their movements. It is a need of your body and also a habit that is part of your routine and way of being. As tutors, it is also our responsibility to offer the necessary means so that our cats can wear their nails safely and discard the operation to remove a cat’s nails.

If you want to prevent your cat scratching the floor, curtains, your clothes or other household items, you must leave at your disposal at least one scraper. In pet stores you can find a wide range of models and types of scrapers for one or several cats. You can also make a homemade scraper for your cat, using cheap materials and a lot of creativity.

Also, you can cut your cat’s nails to ensure that they always have the ideal length. In you will find tips and recommendations to cut a cat’s nails safely.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is de-inking in cats?, we recommend that you enter in our Nail Care section.

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