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Urinary incontinence in cats – Causes and treatment

Who has a cat at home knows how careful they are with their personal hygiene, especially when it comes to using their waste box correctly. When the feline gets dirty outside of its proper place, this is an unequivocal sign that something is wrong, whether it does it intentionally or not.

Keep reading this article so you know everything about the urinary incontinence in cats, their causes and treatment.

What do we call urinary incontinence?

It receives this name the inability that develops the animal to control the muscles of the urethra, for which the sphincter does not remain closed, causing the cat can not decide when to urinate, but continually suffers spills or accidental losses.

Incontinence is never manifested by a casual reason or should be ignored, as it indicates that something is wrong in the health of the feline, whether emotionally or physically.

When it has been confirmed that it is incontinence and not territory marking, in no case should punishment or reproach be administered the pussycat, because he does not urinate intentionally. An immediate visit to the veterinarian is necessary to determine the cause of the problem.

How to know if it is incontinence?

As with any other health problem, urinary incontinence is accompanied by several signs that make it unmistakable:

  • Drops or urine wells when the cat gets up
  • Abdomen and legs wet
  • Strong smell
  • Remains of urine in unusual places
  • Dermatitis
  • Inflammations or skin diseases
  • Swelling of the penis or vulva

Sometimes, the cat urinates out of its box to indicate that it feels some discomfort, as it happens when it suffers a urinary infection, for example. That’s why it’s important distinguish these warnings from indiscriminate urination, disordered and involuntary that characterizes incontinence.

What are the causes?

Determining the reason for urinary incontinence can be complicated, as it is a common symptom of urinary incontinence. different conditions, conditions and diseases. Among them it is possible to mention:

  • Older age: In cats older than 10 years, incontinence may simply be a sign of old age, as the tissues are not so strong to control the sphincters.
  • Sterilization or castration: due to the suppression of hormones, either estrogen or testosterone, which these procedures imply, the cat can lose control over its urine.
  • Kidney stones in the bladder.
  • Tumor in the bladder: constantly presses and generates an endless urge to urinate.
  • Congenital deformities: the bladder or urethra are not positioned where they should. It manifests during the first year of life.
  • Diseases such as feline leukemia or diabetes.
  • Urinary infections: such as cystitis, cause an urgency to urinate that the cat can not satisfy due to the discomfort of the disease.
  • Stress provoked by changes in the feline’s routine (a move, the arrival of a baby or other pet, etc.).
  • Trauma in the pelvis, hip or spine resulting from a fall or a very strong blow, which affects the nervous system.
  • Obesity.
  • Overactive bladder syndrome.
  • Neurological problem.

Diagnosis and treatment of urinary incontinence in cats

Due to multiple causes of incontinence, the treatments are varied and can only be selected by a veterinary professional. A complete physical examination will be performed, urine and blood tests, as well as x-rays, ultrasounds and other studies, depending on the case, to determine the exact cause.

Types of treatment to apply

When it comes to castration incontinence or sterilization, for example, hormones are usually prescribed to make up for the lack of them. Antibiotics and other drugs are recommended in case of urinary infections. In front of a tumor, surgery after a treatment at home is prescribed.

In obese cats with kidney stones, a low fat diet will be recommended, as well as some medicines if necessary. If the reason for the incontinence is very serious and no other solution is found, or the feline does not respond as expected to the treatments, it is possible that a lifelong catheter or cystostomy tube is required, through which it can drain the urine. However, in most cases the patient usually responds positively to the initial recommendations.

As part of the treatment, it is also recommended much patience from the human masters, to understand the situation that the cat is living and help him cope in the best way.

If the condition of incontinence is chronic, we suggest:

  • Place more debris trays in the home, to make it easier for the cat to access them quickly.
  • Place waterproof fabrics or absorbent plastics on the cat’s bed, furniture in the house and other surfaces that are difficult to wash.
  • Be patient and do not scold the pussycat.
  • Protect your cat against its own urine to prevent skin infections. Clean your coat when you find it wet or dirty and ask for other recommendations to your veterinarian in this regard.

This article is merely informative, in .com we do not have the faculty to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in case of any type of condition or discomfort.

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