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Tips to care for small cats

Is there anything more adorable than a little kitten? Probably for lovers of cats there is no more tender image than a cat arriving at home in its early stages of life. For the cat, this is a stage of discovery and learning, however, for the owner, this may be the sweetest stage you live thanks to the welcome of your pet.

It is very easy to be enraptured in front of the image of a small cat, however, our actions must go further and we must do everything possible to promote the best possible development, and this includes a series of care that is of great importance.

Do you have doubts about how to take care of a kitten? In this article we show you the best Tips to care for small cats.

The feeding of the kitten

Cat feeding is always a determining factor in the state of health of the cat, especially in the early stages of life, in which the food provided should be as similar as possible to breast milk. Fortunately, there are currently preparations of milk able to replace feline milk, which we can administer with much patience and love through a plastic syringe.

The shots must be made every 2 hours and never be spaced beyond the 4 hours, each shot must contain 10 centiliters of milk. To administer it properly we must hold the kitten with the hand and keep it in a semi-inclined position, always trying not to choke on the milk.

Approximately from the month and a half of life the cat can already start progressively in solid feeding, always using specific preparations for puppy cats.

Stimulate excretion functions

When a kitten is very small he can not urinate or defecate on his own, but it is the mother cat that usually stimulates them. In the absence of your mother, it is very important that we fulfill this function, since the capacity of the rectum and urinary bladder is very small and any type of retention could be harmful.

You must take a cotton and moisten it in warm water, then gently massage the anal and perianal area, This practice should be done after each milk intake.

A suitable environment

For a small cat to develop properly it is imperative that we keep it in a suitable space. It must be a ventilated space but at the same time protected from drafts, a cardboard box is a good option, but obviously it should be covered with cotton so that the kittens can maintain a good body temperature.

A small cat has very little subcutaneous fat and therefore the maintenance of body temperature is essential, for this, under the cotton layer we must place a hot water bag which must be renewed periodically.

Deworm the cat

A very small cat that has been separated from the mother prematurely can have many complications derived from the weakness of their immune system. For this reason many veterinarians recommend using a immunoregulatory antiparasitic from the first days of life.

Obviously you should not apply a product of this type on your own, even less in a small kitten, you must have the prior advice of a veterinarian.

Detects any anomaly early

Any cat is susceptible to numerous health problems, however, this risk increases when a cat is a puppy. It is therefore important to know the symptoms that can be indicative of disease:

  • Alterations in the fur
  • Smelly ears or dark secretions
  • Frequent coughing and sneezing
  • Eye secretions
  • Lack of movement in the tail

If you observe some of these symptoms it is vital that you go to the veterinarian as far in advance as possible.

If you want to read more articles similar to Tips to care for small cats, we recommend that you enter in our section of extra care.

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