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The mysticism that surrounds cats

There are many legends of witches that have survived to this day and all of them convey a rather grotesque image of the sorceresses, with the classic wart on the nose. Did you know that this wart was understood as a third nipple that was used to breastfeed cats?

Yes, yes, these animals were conceived for a long time as the companions of witches, but at other times throughout the history of mankind were also perceived as authentic Gods.

Few animals are as genuine as the cat and few animals contain so much mystery, there are many mystical stories featuring our feline friends. Do you want to know them? In this article we tell you about the mysticism that surrounds cats.

The cat sees everything

We can observe in our cat numerous comic behaviors, but surely, we will also observe strange behaviors, sudden jumps, meows facing a fixed point where apparently there is nothing out of the ordinary.

In ancient Egypt the cats were called Miw, which means “to see” and statues were made that imitated this animal to be placed outside the houses, in this way, it was believed that the cat could protect the dwelling, because I was able to perceive everything.

The figure of the cat was highly venerated in Egypt, so much so that when a feline died it was modified and decreed several days of mourning, however, if the death of the cat was not natural but was due to abuse, the responsible person was sentenced to the death penalty.

Cats are not from this planet

There is the fascinating theory of extraterrestrial cats, which seems to have a fairly solid base, since although we know that dogs are descended from the wolf, How do we trace the evolutionary line of the cat?

It is known that the cat began contact with humans in Ancient Egypt, but, where were the cats long ago? To this day it can not be concluded with a scientific consensus that cats obey the evolution of another animal, therefore, their sudden appearance in a culture that has already been linked in numerous occasions with extraterrestrial life, makes us think about the possible interstellar origin of these animals.

Cats and their great psychic ability

It is believed that cats capture subtle energies that the human being is not able to perceive, both his hearing, his smell, and his supposed sixth sense, would make the cat the best animal to perceive strange presences and spirits and, in fact, several studies have been carried out in this regard.

It is also believed that the cat is nourished by negative energies and that when it rests for a long period in a corner of the house it is precisely absorbing these energies to transform them and finally eliminate them from our home. For this supposed ability some people clean the tarot cards by rubbing them against the back of their cat.

The cat, faithful companion of the witches

At the beginning of this article we mentioned how the cat has been linked to witches since ancient times, especially during the medieval period, since the cats symbolized the dark and the magical. The texts that reveal pagan traditions and that have been preserved up to the present say that once a circle is formed for a ritual, the cat is the only animal that can enter and exit freely.

It was also believed that witches could become cats but that they could also cast spells to transform other human beings into these mysterious cats.

The relationship between witches, cats and the malefic has been perpetuated for many years, so much so that at present there is still the superstition that crossing a black cat is synonymous with bad luckHowever, it is only a superstition, as widespread as it is false.

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