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Remove knots in longhaired cats

If you have a cat at home, you will know how important it is for him to groom his body and especially his fur, an activity in which cats invest a lot of time throughout the day. The results are noticeable: surely your cat is always clean, and his hair is soft to the touch.

There are short-haired cats and long-haired cats, and for both types the grooming is very important. However, the difference of the fur makes this work more difficult for some than for others. Long-haired breeds, such as Persian or Himalayan, sometimes need a little human help to undo the knots that form in the fur.

This is why in we want to show you how eliminate knots in longhaired cats, so that you have the necessary tools and knowledge that will allow you to help your cat in its bath routine.

Why eliminate the knots of the cat fur?

Comb the cat to remove excess hair watered on furniture and other areas of the house is an activity that is probably common for you, so removing knots from the fur of the cat will not be a complicated task.

You may wonder why you should eliminate or prevent the formation of knots in the mantle of your cat, and that these are not only anti-aesthetic, but that could cause a skin wound when the cat jerks when washing to try to undo the knot by itself, even irritating the skin. That is why it is so important to be aware of the state of the cat’s fur.

Where are the knots formed?

A cat that does not have short hair can have knots anywhere on its body, although some hard to reach areas for the animal when it is groomed they are more prone to the hair becoming entangled. These are:

  • Underarms
  • Behind the ears
  • Behind the thighs

How to prevent the formation of knots?

Before having to resort to eliminating annoying knots formed in the coat of the feline, it is best that you learn to prevent them. Sometimes knots are formed even in the semi-long hair, so the hygiene routine of your furry friend becomes insufficient. Now, if you want to prevent hair from getting tangled, try the following:

  • If your cat is long hair, you must brush it every day during 5 minutes. Do not worry, doing it is very easy and will end up becoming a mime for him. Use a metal toothbrush and then a metal comb with round tips.
  • If your cat is semi-long or short hair, brush from 1 to 3 times per week with a rubber comb.

Whether it’s long or short, when you brush your hair you should do it going beyond the thickness of it, to prevent internal knots from forming. Lift the top layer of hair and brush the bottom, taking care not to hurt the cat’s skin. At the end, it offers a prize to the pussycat for its good behavior. It is important that set the hairstyle routine since he’s a puppy, so that the cat gets used to it.

How to eliminate the knots?

If the knots have already formed, you will have to apply yourself to the task of undoing them to prevent the cat from getting hurt.

Follow these steps:

  1. Try to open the knot with your fingers taking care not to hurt the cat, to separate it as much as possible. You can soften the knot with a conditioner. Apply it and wait for it to dry to begin to unravel.
  2. Try untangle the knot with a tooth comb very close, without pulling the fur. Start at the tips and move up.
  3. Introduce a scissors with a blunt tip Carefully between the knot and the skin to be able to cut it.
  4. Cut the knots that you can, always with the tip of the scissors towards outside. If they are too many, delete them in several sessions.
  5. Brush all the fur correctly.

While doing this routine, you should remember:

  • Never pull hair, you will only hurt the cat and it will not allow you to comb it again.
  • Do not force the situation. If after a couple of knots the animal gets tired, let it go and continue the next day.
  • Have a lot Be careful when you use scissors, you do not want any accidents.
  • Both the prevention routine with the elimination routine, it is better to perform on the dry coat.
  • In extreme cases, it may be necessary for rapes the hair of the animal for the large number of knots. Leave this job to hairdressing professionals.

If you want to read more articles similar to Remove knots in longhaired cats, we recommend that you enter in our Beauty Tips section.

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