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Recommendations to brush my cat’s hair

Cats are by nature very demanding, especially when it comes to grooming. Most of them like to do that work for themselves, and the truth is that they do it very well. However, from time to time, your cat will need some outside help to maintain the beauty of its proud fur.

Brush a cat Regularly, it is an important task that some owners often overlook when they believe that their pet covers that area. Brushing has several benefits: it helps keep the hair in good condition, prevents the skin from becoming entangled, distributes the natural oils of the dermis, promotes good circulation and allows the inspection of any animal or hidden lesion. Therefore, in this article, we want to offer you our recommendations to brush your cat’s hair, giving you the best tips so that your companion animal looks a beautiful and silky fur.

Do not use the wrong brush

Before starting, make sure you have the right tool at hand. To do this, you should know that there are many types of brushes and combs for cats on the market, so do a preliminary research to select the one that best suits your cat’s fur. Most brushes and combs are quite cheap and it’s worth it.

For felines with short hair you can use one “card“, Which is the typical comb for cats. When selecting the most appropriate, try to make it smooth to turn brushing into a positive experience. We invite you to read the article “Brushes for short-haired cats”.

For longhaired cats, dense and prone to breaking when brushing, it is not recommended to use a comb or a brush designed for short-haired cats, since the shorter teeth would not reach their undercoat; brushing would be useless and continue to lose dead hair. The ideal is to opt for a Two-sided or one metallic brush, and use them very carefully so as not to break the hair or hurt the animal. For more details see our article “Brushes for long-haired cats”.

General tips for brushing your cat’s hair

Before we start, there are some things we can recommend you that will be useful for the next time you want to leave the hair of your cat shiny and silky:

  • Always display Brush your cat in the direction of the hair, for him it could even be relaxing. Conversely, continuous brushing against will cause discomfort to such an extent that you will not be able to brush it for more than 1 minute.
  • Accustom your cat to brush it from a very young age. You can start just after eight weeks of age.
  • Although it will not always be easy and there will be better days and worse days, always try to brush the entire body of your cat, especially under the hind legs and behind the front legs, since they are the most problematic places.
  • Take the opportunity. For example, if your cat is deeply asleep on its back, it may be a good time to attack the paw and belly area.
  • Divide the brushing in different sections if your cat starts to irritate and despair. Today you brush one section and later or tomorrow another. This may take more time, but it may be more bearable for your cat and you will get less scratching. To avoid being scratched, do not miss our article in which we tell you what to do if your cat bites you and scratches you.
  • Long-haired cats, because of the delicateness of their fur, should be brushed and combed once a day. For short-haired cats, with a fixed weekly brush will suffice.

The trick is doing it right

To brush your cat’s hair without problems, take your feline in your arms and sit with him between your legs in a place that is comfortable both for him and for you. Close doors and windows so you do not try to escape while brushing and you can not hold it back. Caress your cat until it is put in a spectacular mood, serene and relaxed; You will know when you start licking or purring.

Now, brush along your back with slow, delicate and long movements, from the tail to the top of the head. See if your cat is having some strange sensation that can bring aggressive behavior, stay alert to your body language. Check the brush from time to time to make sure you do not have tangled hair, if so, remove the hair with a comb and continue. Do not neglect the armpits and the abdomen, these are areas in which many knots are formed and some go unnoticed because they are attached to the skin. Be delicate if you get tangled, try softening them with a little baby oil and then comb.

If you find some knots very impossible to comb, do not pull them, since you could cause pain in the animal and tear the skin of your cat. Use a knot separator to cut them into smaller pieces or, failing that, cut them carefully with a small scissor (only if they are not too close to the skin). Also, like people’s hair, you can begin to untangle from the tip to the root, you will see how little by little they soften.

Always, always, spoil and reward your cat with a prize after each brushing. It will help you relate this moment in a positive way.

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