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Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat or Norsk Skogkat is a very active feline, it is a hunting and climbing nature. He stands out for having a sociable character and his high intelligence, is the perfect companion for families with children and other animals.

Images and photos of the Cat Norwegian Forest

In this section you can find photographs of the Norwegian Forest Cat. Click on the image to see it in full resolution.

What is a Norwegian Forest Cat?

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a breed of a magnificent domestic cat, is from the forests of Norway, where this cat has taken its name Norsk Skogkatt which means Cat of the North Woods. The origin of the Norwegian Forest comes from the Scandinavian regions ago 4000 years ago, that is why its sheltered aspect. He has abundant hair all over his body, which serves to adapt to the frigid Nordic forests.

This Norwegian Forest cat breed has accompanied the Vikings on their trips keeping their ships free of rats. These cute kittens have been friends of farmers for many centuries, being mice hunters, in exchange for shelter and companionship.

What are the most common characteristics of the Norwegian Forest Cat?

The Norwegian Forest Cat, like the American giant cat, is considered one of the largest breeds of cats that exist. They stand out for their sociable character and high intelligence. Here are some common features of this feline:

Weight: The Norwegian Forest cat has a weight between 3 to 10 kilograms.

Height: between 20 to 25 cm.

Body: strong, elongated, robust, considerable musculature

Eyes: large, almond-shaped, slightly oblique, usually green, gold, copper or green gold. They may have blue eyes or blue with heterochromia in some with white fur.

Nose: long and straight.

Ears: Moderately large and open and slightly rounded at the tip. It has lynx brushes that shine in the backlight.

Head: It has triangular shape, straight profile without rupture.

Extremities: legs muscular, robust and long, the hind legs more than the previous ones; strands of hair between the fingers.

Tail: It is long and hairy.

Fur: It is thick, formed by a dense and woolly undercoat, resistant to water.

Coat color: The most common pattern is tabby with white, its color can be any except chocolate, cinnamon, fawn or Siamese style. Its legs are also protected by layers of hair that protect it from the cold of the snow.

How is the character and behavior of a Norwegian Forest Cat?

The Norwegian Forest Cat They are very active cats, they are hunters and climbers. They are animals that provide the perfect companion for families with children and other animals. They are independent animals, but they are quite affectionate, do not demand much attention and are not so demanding. But it will follow you wherever you go to enjoy your company.

The Norwegian forest cat has a calm character, it is not so mischievous, it has an intermediate energy level, but they are not so passive. Like most cats, they love having control over their home. To be in high places of the house, like furniture or shelves to observe all their surroundings. With the strength and agility they possess, they love to climb unreachable places.

This beautiful specimen of the cats, is not so boisterous, communicates by means of small meows.

Their intelligence makes them enjoy learning, it is very easy to train them and train them in new tricks. You must reward your learning with candy or croquettes so that you know you have done correctly.

Can you know the sex of a Norwegian Forest Cat?

If you want to know if your Norwegian Forest is male or female, like most kittens you can know their sex in different ways. Analyzing their genitals and also seeing their size and physical characteristics.

If you are interested in knowing more about this topic, we recommend you to read our article: ¿Cat and its sex How to know if it is cat or cat?

How much does a Norwegian Forest Cat live?

If we want to get our pet to have a Life expectancy more prolonged, we must provide the necessary care and control. On average a cat Norwegian forest can live between 14 to 16 years.

These cats reach maturity at five years of age, but we must know that they age faster than humans. That is why we must take care of them much more in their last years of life. It is wrongly said that a year of man is equivalent to seven years of a feline, which is not so true, but it will help us understand the cycle of his life.

How to care for a Norwegian Forest Cat?

If you decided to adopt a Norwegian Forest Cat you must take the appropriate care in terms of hygiene, cleanliness and care.

This feline has a layer of hair, with water resistance, it is removed according to the weather condition. In winter it is protected by a dense layer of wool, to stay warm and in summer the soft inner layer disappears. Giving it a completely different look

Despite what it may seem, the Forest Cat of Norway does not require a lot of care. Brush it once a week, so that your fur stays soft and shiny. Only in spring, when she sheds her coat and leaves the wool layer, we must take care. To avoid swallowing all the dead hair, a weekly brushing will be sufficient and about twice during the spring.

Also give basic care and essential care such as cutting nails, clean the ears from time to time and see the veterinarian’s regular visits.

What do the Norwegian Forest Cats eat?

The Norway Forest Cat, will not have problems when feeding, usually maintain their weight in ideal standards, although it is very common that they suffer from overweight, therefore it is necessary to control their diet.

To our feline, it will be enough to offer him a balanced food according to the situation of his life, that covers his nutritional needs. It is necessary to make your food available at all times. Since the Norwegian forest eats several times a day in minimum quantities like the rest of the kittens.

Also, provide clean and fresh water that is available at all times. It is recommended to use only metal or ceramic containers and avoid plastic materials that retain the odor. Since the Norwegian forest cat is very sensitive to unpleasant odors and it is possible that it refuses to drink which can affect its hydration and therefore its health.

Regarding the choice of balanced food, if you have questions about this, go to the veterinarian to choose the right food according to your life stage. Also to have the proper guidelines on your diet.

Do not forget that you should not overfeed your cat to avoid overweight. Offer physical activity and other care according to your needs. In this way, your Norwegian Forest will live happily and remain healthy throughout your life.

Which diseases are the most common in the Norwegian Forest Cat?

The Norwegian Forest that suffer from health problems can present three common diseases in particular:

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

It is a heart disease of the most common in the Norwegian Forest, is presented by the thickening of the heart muscle. It is possible to determine it by means of an echocardiogram. Some of the symptoms that the Norwegian Forest presents are difficulty in breathing, weakness, loss of appetite and prolonged drowsiness. Unfortunately this disease has no cure, but with the proper treatment, you can prolong the life of your pet at least two years after detection.

Hip dysplasia

The hip dysplasia in cats It is a rare disorder and is largely inherited. It causes the abnormal development of the feline and later the degeneration of one or both joints of the hip. This disease can cause irregular bone growth, damaged cartilage, microfracture and in severe cases, arthrosis with lameness.

This disorder is very rare in cats, the most common occurs in dogs. In the case of cats are the animals of race and the females are affected. If a symptom occurs, it is necessary to go to the veterinarian immediately.

Glycogenosis Type IV

Glycogenosis is a deficiency of an essential enzyme that metabolizes glycogen. It usually occurs when the cat meets 4 to 5 months, can produce the liver cirrhosis and heart problems. often they can also present abnormalities in the kidneys.

In the case of the Type IV glycogenosis, the effect that it produces is usually related to red blood cells, since it destroys them so that an adequate distribution of oxygen by the body of the animal is not made.

This disease is hereditary, so there is no method of prevention, in case of detecting this disease, the reproduction of the cat should be avoided, thus eliminating the defective enzyme.

Although there is no cure for the time for this disease, as in the case of humans. An option was given to perform a liver transplant that can generate great results, perhaps over time a solution for our mascots will be found.

Curiosities of the Cat Norway Forest

  • The Norwegian Forest was known to Vikings and farmers almost 4000 years ago. This breed was not recognized until the cat show in Oslo at 1938.
  • Its spread and development as a breed cat was interrupted by the Second World War. Since the 1970 decade, Norwegian breeders decided to preserve and preserve their bloodlines, normalizing their appearance. It was King Olaf V, who declared the Norwegian Forest as Norway’s official cat.
  • The first Norwegian Forest were brought to the United States in 1979. The International Cat Association recognized the Norwegian Forest in 1984 and in 1993 by the Cat Breeders Association.
  • The Norwegian Forest has a very soft and delicate meow. Although it is a large and powerful cat, perhaps it would be expected to have a powerful meow.

Some tips for buying a Norwegian Forest Cat

When looking for and getting a kitten online you can face many risks. Therefore, the professional aspect of the hatchery should be analyzed, so we recommend the following:

  • Make sure the professional answers your questions, is a good connoisseur of the breed (who attends exhibitions) and offers tracking of the kitten after the sale.
  • It is important that it is recommended by other breeders, that it has good references from its customers.
  • Make sure that the pet you buy comes with the Pedigree certificate, keep in mind that this procedure is not expensive.
  • Ask for guarantees regarding health problems, physical and hereditary. In addition to request that you come with a veterinarian’s book, deworming and vaccines up to date.
  • They should show the facilities of the hatchery as well as all their specimens, obviously, that are free of diseases.
  • Do not forget that kittens need to stay at least three months with their mother and family before being adopted.

Where to buy and how much does it cost a Cat Norway Forest?

This beautiful animal is purebred, for that reason it has a quite expensive cost. According to the hatchery where you find it, you can vary the price of the Norwegian forest cat between 700 and 1000 dollars.

Before adopting a kitten, you should know that the kitten must stay with its mother until 3 months of age. It is very important so that you can socialize with your species and grow strong and healthy.

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