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Kidney problems in cats – Types and symptoms

The Kidney problems in cats They are very common disorders, which means that they affect a high number of cats. It is therefore very important that, as caregivers, we have information on these diseases, we know recognize the symptoms to go immediately to the veterinarian and understand what measures we can implement to promote the treatment and maintenance of the quality of life of our cat. The medication and diet are going to be basic factors to consider.

Keep reading this article and learn to detect the symptoms of kidney problems in cats to act quickly.

The role of the kidneys

The kidneys, in addition to excreting hormones or maintaining blood pressure, fulfill the important function of filter the blood to clean it of the waste substances that the organism can not take advantage of and eliminate them through the urine. A failure in this mechanism will cause an accumulation of toxic substances that will end up causing organ damage. Kidney problems in cats can appear suddenly or develop over time. We will see the differences in the following sections.

Acute kidney disease

Sometimes, our cat’s kidney problem appears acutely. It can be caused by a bacterial infection that attacks the kidney, by poisoning, etc. In these cases we can see clinical symptoms such as the following:

  • Generally, a increase in the amount of urine excreted
  • The cat stops eating and, in terms of water intake, usually drink more.
  • Will be still and off.
  • It also dehydrates, which we can notice in the sunken eyes and the fold of the skin, which does not recover quickly.
  • There may also be vomiting and diarrhea.
  • The breath of the cat will have a peculiar smell, ammonia.

Chronic kidney disease

This kidney problem in cats is very common, especially in those of older age, so it is convenient to review them at least once a year when they get older, with the aim of detecting this and other pathologies early. The symptomatology may coincide with what we have seen for the acute presentation, with the difference that, in this case, what we will observe will be a gradual deterioration. We can observe these signs:

  • The cat drinks and urinates in greater quantity, which is known by the name of polydipsia and polyuria.
  • Even so, we will notice that you are losing weight.
  • In addition, its coat will look bad.
  • Although he drinks a lot, the normal thing is that he is dehydrated, to a greater or lesser degree.
  • It is very common for the cat to vomit frequently.
  • You may have diarrhea.
  • El Ammonia smell It is also present.

If the cat does not receive veterinary attention it can get worse until a picture like the one described for the acute illness is presented.

The treatment of kidney problems in cats

In both acute and chronic kidney disease, we must seek veterinary assistance. Acute manifestation is an emergency. If the cat is not treated, his life is in danger. If you recover, you can become chronically ill, if the damage suffered by the kidney is irreversible.

On the other hand, cats with chronic disease can get worse suddenly, manifesting, suddenly, the acute picture. Damaged kidney tissue can not recover, so if it’s the case with our cat, we should know that treatment can only help you maintain Good life quality, but it does not cure it. Next we explain in more detail both situations.

Care for a cat with acute kidney disease

It is a case in which the kidney problem in the cat will require income to initiate veterinary assistance with fluid therapy and intravenous medication. The doctor will determine the cause behind the kidney failure and act accordingly. For this purpose, he will perform tests such as blood tests, urine tests or ultrasound scans. For example, if we are facing an infection, it will prescribe antibiotic.

The first 24-48 hours are critical. If the cat gets hydrated and begins to eat the prognosis is good and can be cured completely. Other times the cat recovers but his kidneys are damaged, becoming a chronic kidney patient, with the management that we will detail next.

Living with a chronic kidney disease cat

If the renal problem in the cat has caused a chronic renal failure our veterinarian, taking into account the results of the tests, will determine the seriousness of his condition and will prescribe proper medication. This is directed to control the symptoms, that is, to reduce or avoid vomiting, protect the stomach, maintain a proper diet, etc.

La alimentación, which should be special for cats with kidney disease, is a basic pillar in the treatment and, in some cases, will be the only recommended measure, along with the maintenance of good hydration. We can buy commercial feed for cats with renal insufficiency, always of high quality, or bet for homemade diets for kidney failure, whose guidelines should be prescribed by the veterinarian. Veterinary follow-up is required and consultation is required when any symptom appears.

This article is merely informative, in .com we do not have the faculty to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in case of any type of condition or discomfort.

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