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How to remove Persian cat knots

Card of the animal: Persian

One of the main characteristics of the Persian cat is its long and soft fur. But the truth is that to keep it beautiful, bright and healthy we have to dedicate time to take care of it by brushing and regular baths.

The Persian cat, due to its calm and relaxed nature, will be allowed to groom without problems. It is usually a very presumptuous and sociable cat.

Whatever the reason why your cat has tangled hair, in we are going to offer you some beauty tips so you know How to remove Persian cat knots.

Remove knots step by step

As we have said before, it is very important to follow the care of the Persian cat’s hair to keep it soft and free from tangles. If we do not do it properly, the first knots can begin to appear. If this is your case, do not worry, then we offer you a simple step by step to eliminate them.

Necessary materials:

Steps to follow:

Before you start, and especially if it’s the first time you do this, you should know that cats are very special animals that will not be allowed to do everything you want. You must do it in a positive way (you can include sweets) so that the animal is relaxed and does not flee in terror. You should try to do as little damage as possible.

  1. While you caress him he begins to feel all the hair without hurting him, the idea is that you look for another possible tangle and that you identify the size of the knot.
  2. In a somewhat excessive way, apply the dry conditioner on top of your Persian cat’s tangle of hair and follow the instructions on the product. At the end of the application time, the hair should be softer and less dense.
  3. Once the application time has passed, you should carefully brush the hair of the animal with the comb. It is the most complicated part since the cat does not usually hold up well the pulls of hair. Try to bother him as little as possible.
  4. Start combing the most superficial layer of entanglement, never try to unleash it from the inside. Look at the direction of the hair, for example, to guide you in this process.
  5. You may be able to undo a part of the knot but the interior, much drier, still tangled. Reapply the conditioner.

At this point you should be undoing your cat’s hair knot without problem, but if you see that it is too tangled: go to the next section.

Last option: cut the knot

If the knot of your cat is impossible to brush, you will have to cut it. Do not worry, if you do it properly and carefully You can do it yourself at home, although if it gives you a little fear you can go to a professional place: an aesthetic animal center.

Necessary materials:

  1. If your cat has a single knot or they are in isolated places, you will use scissors. Start by feeling the tangle to cut to determine how far it is from the skin and calculate well what we are going to do.
  2. Find someone who can help you! If your cat moves, it can be really dangerous, do not do this on your own.
  3. Start cutting little by little. It is preferable to cut unless you end up hurting the poor animal. Empiza by the superficial part of the tangle and go advancing until the knot is practically cut.
  4. Help yourself to the comb if you see that it can easily be untangled.
  5. If on the other hand your cat has many knots or these are too close to the skin you are going to use the electric razor.
  6. Find someone who knows how to use this instrument. Even if you think it’s very easy if you have not done it before, you can hurt your beloved Persian cat.
  7. Carefully shave the knot areas with the help of another person.

Now that you have managed to rid your cat of the knots you must have something clear: you can avoid the reappearance of knots. Learn to brush your cat in the next section.

Prevent Persian cat knots from appearing again

To prevent the Persian cat from suffering the appearance of knots in your hair you will need two things: brush and bathe. Keep in mind that not all products are suitable for your specific case, you must get products of a minimum quality.

  • Shampoo and conditioner: Obviously it should be specific products for cats, but further we find some very specific characteristics such as: for white cats, extra softeners or intense shine. Find the ideal for your pussycat!

Bathe your Persian cat monthly to prevent dirt from causing tangled hair again.

  • Brushes: Although it would be very useful to have three types of brush (combs, brushes and cards) knowing how to use them correctly, we can make do with a metal barbed brush with protected tips.

Brush your cat’s hair every day or every two days to keep it healthy and free of entanglements. Do not forget any part of your body and do it with affection and delicacy.

Do not hesitate to visit the gallery of images of the gray Persian cat if this breed seems to you one of the most beautiful in the world. In addition to beautiful photographs you will find curiosities that maybe you did not know about this race’s past.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to remove Persian cat knots, we recommend that you enter in our Beauty Tips section.

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