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How to prepare the arrival of a cat at home?

When we decide to adopt a cat for the first time, we can have countless doubts. It’s normal that we do not know what to do when a kitten comes home, what are the accessories you need a cat or what type of feeding it requires.

Next, in we will show you the necessary things to have a happy and safe cat in your new environment or how to act by having a cat at home the first few days. Discover below how to prepare the arrival of a cat at home:

1. Feeder and drinking fountain

Cats in freedom perform many small meals throughout the day, therefore, the ideal is that our cat has fresh water and food at your disposal the 24 hours. The containers should be located away from the sanitary tray and, if possible, somewhat separated from each other.

We will opt for containers that are easily washable and of sufficient size so that our cat can eat and drink without their whiskers touching the edges, as this is very annoying for them. If you notice, your cat will often eat only the food that is in the center of the feeder for this same reason.

The ideal is to opt for drinking troughs and feeding troughs stainless steel or ceramic, taking care to correctly position the latter, as they could break when falling from a high place. Of course, we will avoid plastic containers completely. Also, if we want to encourage our cat to drink water, the ideal is to opt for a fountain that will attract you because you will constantly have running water.

The feeding of the cat

Before the arrival of the feline to our home we must have already prepared the food that we are going to offer you, is one of the most necessary things for the cat. The ideal would be to inform us about what type of food has been previously received, to assess if it is adequate and we can maintain it or to make a transition process.

For change the food from the cat to a new one follow this step by step, it will help you to avoid various digestive problems:

  1. Start by mixing an 80% old food with an 20% new food.
  2. After a few days, reduce the amount of previous food, for example using an 60% old food and an 40% new food.
  3. Follow this process proportionally for one or two weeks until the food you offer is an 100% of the new one.

It is not always easy to choose a good cat food. The ideal is to analyze in detail the composition until I find a good quality feed based on fresh ingredients. Remember that the cat is a completely carnivorous animal, so you should reject cereal-based feed.

It will also be important to choose according to age or needs of the feline. In the market we find feed for puppies, adults and the elderly, but also for cats that are sterilized, overweight or with different health problems.

You can also choose a barf diet for your cat, however, when we talk about homemade recipes, we always recommend consulting with a veterinarian beforehand to avoid nutritional deficiencies or prevent different health problems.

2. Resting place

Our cats can get to sleep Up to 20 hours when they are adults and, in order to enjoy that rest, they need a place where they feel comfortable and safe.

Depending on the character of our cat you will have some preferences or others but normally you usually like them covered places, where they feel more protected. In addition, they also tend to look for high places where they can control everything.

In the market you will find all kinds of beds and accessories for your cat, but this many times will leave aside that precious and expensive bed for a box with a blanket inside.

The “nest” type bed is one of the essential elements for cats, especially if live with other animals, since it will serve as a refuge if you do not want to interact or want to rest completely without being disturbed.

3. Scraper

The accessory par excellence of cats is the scraper. This allows them, apart from fix your nails, exercise and mark your territory. If we do not provide them with a scratch zone, they will most likely look for it in our sofas, curtains, furniture, etc.

If we want you to use the scraper, it usually has to meet a series of requirements that all cats prefer. First of all it should be located in one of the main areas of the house, if we leave it hidden in a corner our cat will look for another object to do the manicure.

In addition, it is convenient that the scraper be high enough so you can stretch out completely when using it and stable so that it does not move when it jumps on him. If we also choose a scraper tower (or feline residence) with several heights this will serve as a gym and will help you stay fit by helping you avoid overweight.

At this point we want to clarify that debunking (apart from being illegal) is never an option. If our cat does not use the scraper, we can use catnip or valerian (herbs that attract cats) to encourage you to use it or place pieces of food or your favorite toys in different parts of the scraper.

Of course, during the first days of the cat at home, avoid completely scolding If you sharpen your nails on your furniture or sofas. They need a process of adaptation and the punishments, apart from being very ineffective, can make your relationship worse. It is best to try to distract and approach your scraper with the use of the mentioned elements.

4. Sandbox

In the market we will find many types of sanitary trays and the choice, in most cases, will depend more on our cat than on us. The closed trays They are very comfortable because they avoid odors and so much sand comes out, but sometimes our cat will reject it because they tend to prefer uncovered trays.

In addition, we must ensure that the edges are low to facilitate entry and exit, and should be located in a quiet place, without drafts and away from feeders and drinkers.

Ideally, we have as many trays as cats There is one more in the house. That is, if we live with two cats, the ideal is to have 3 sandboxes. Of course, sometimes, if we have several cats in a small apartment, it will not always be possible to have many sandboxes. In this case, regular cleaning will be essential if we do not want to make their depositions in inappropriate places.

5. Carrier

The carrier is a basic element to be able to move with our cat safely. Although we will not travel with him, we will need him to go to the veterinarian, in case of moving or in an emergency. It is a security element indispensable.

So that our cat does not have a negative view of it, the ideal is that it is usually available as a place to rest or eat, so when we touch a veterinary visit it will be much easier for us to enter. Can associate positively the carrier leaving tasty food prizes inside or his favorite toys. The use of a fluffy blanket or similar can also be very interesting.

For the carrier to be safe and comfortable, it is preferable that it be removable, this way it will be easier to get it out at the veterinarian and we will be able to clean it easily. In addition, it is recommended that it be hard and plastic to make it safer in case of car accident and clean easily.

6. Protection of windows

Cats are gossip by nature and love it investigate, explore and discover new smells If we live in an apartment we must protect our windows because the falls are much more frequent than we usually think. The parachutist cat syndrome is an example of this.

Our cat is not going to jump into the void without a reason, but may try to hunt something or simply stumble and fall, so it’s better to take precautions. It does not work with placing a mosquito net, because these are not strong enough, we must opt ​​for a specific mesh for these cases that we can find in many pet stores and make sure to place it well.

7. Environmental enrichment and stimulation

Finally, and not least, it is essential to talk about the enrichment that a feline requires, as well as physical and mental stimulation. All this will affect your emotional well and will avoid behavior problems.

Environmental enrichment for cats consists of different factors that will provide a better quality of life, we talk about visual stimuli or smells, for example. The use of catnip, catwalks and feline structures are an example of this.

Playing with us is also important, as it allows them to socialize and exercise. Remember that cats do not have fun playing alone, so dedicate a few minutes each day to perform game sessions with him it can be very beneficial to stimulate him. We can use intelligence toys, food dispenser toys, fishing rods or, simply, a session of massage and relaxation.

Do not forget that cats, although they are more independent than dogs, are animals very sociable and they need to relate to be happy. Spend time with your best friend and give them the best quality of life as far as possible.

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