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How to make a homemade pipette for cats

When we begin to deworm our cats we realize how expensive the pipettes are and, what sometimes is worse, the wide variety of products that exist in the market, which confuses us more and more.

Should we invest a lot of money to keep our feline protected? In we think not, so let’s explain how to make a homemade pipette for cats, what are the expenses to elaborate it, how to apply it and the time that is effective in our animal:

Are antiparasitics good for cats?

The antiparasitic are a staple product for cats, especially for those who have access to the outside, being able to suffer an infestation of fleas or ticks, for example. However, the components and the steps to follow of commercial products are not always the most indicated.

At the moment of applying them, especially if the cat already has fleas, we must follow a series of rules, such as the cat’s bath. Have you wondered why? It is not just that it is clean, it helps us to eliminate part of the parasites, but it is an extra problem, and it is not a task as simple as it is with dogs: if the cat is not used it will be a task impossible to carry out.

The industrial pipettes they contain drugs that can harm the health of our animal as well as that of the human family. Many animals, especially cats, after applying the pipette begin to lick and ingest the product, being able to suffer a poisoning.

The same happens if there are small children in the house who play with the cat and then, when sucking their hands, they ingest the product. Those are some of the reasons to make our own cat pipette.

What do we need to do the homemade pipette?

It is advisable to try to get all the necessary ingredients in herbalists, agro-ecological crops or producers that we know irrefutably that they do not use pesticides nor chemicals for their crops.


  • Neem Oil or Margosa Oil
  • Citronella or citronella oil
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Mint Oil or Tea Tree Oil
  • Hypertonic (or natural) seawater or physiological saline

All the mentioned products, except seawater, can be obtained in 50 ml containers (the most indicated ones) or in 10 or 20 ml containers. The prices vary according to the sizes of the jars but they are really economical.

To prepare the sea water follow this step by step:

  1. Go to the sea to catch water
  2. We let her decant 24 hours
  3. We will pass it through a coffee filter

However we can also buy it directly and make it isotonic in proportion to 3: 1. The only thing that we will need to buy is a syringe of 2 ml (without needle) for the application and a caramel colored bottle of 10 ml to carry out the preparation and to be able to store the mixture for a while. This way we will not have to prepare it every time we want to deworm.

Preparation of the pipette

As we mentioned earlier, we can prepare it in a boat and save it up to 2 months. Remember that we must apply the product once a month. We will do the calculations for the 10 ml:

  1. Isotonic sea water or serum (65%) = 6,5 ml
  2. Peppermint or tea tree oil (10%) = 1 ml
  3. Eucalyptus oil (10%) = 1 ml
  4. Citronella or citronella oil (10%) = 1 ml
  5. Neem Oil or Margosa Oil (5%) = 0,5 ml

This account will give us the 10 ml of the bottle from which we will take 2 ml per month to deworm our cat. Do not forget to be careful when handling the bottle and use a clean syringe to avoid contaminating the product.

How, when and where to apply it?

To obtain a good result we must apply it correctly: the ideal would be to start with the bath of our feline and, after one or two days we would be able to apply it.

In reference to the doses, we will point out that the cats that weigh less than 10 kg must use 1,5 ml per month and those that exceed 10 kg of weight around the 2 ml. This is a general rule but we always recommend consulting with the veterinarian.

The areas to apply will be two, in the neck area, between the two shoulder blades (half the amount) and the area of the hip, a few centimeters before the beginning of the tail (the other half). There are those who prefer only the area of ​​the neck because to be small amount prefer to focus there.

Following this simple process and, with very few resources, you will be able to keep the parasites away from your cat naturally and safely, without being afraid of the harmful chemical compounds.

This article is merely informative, in .com we do not have the faculty to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in case of any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to make a homemade pipette for cats, we recommend that you enter in our Deworming section.

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