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How to know if my cat needs cesarean section?

The gestation period of a cat represents a season of excitement and a certain nervousness for both the future feline mother and the human companions. Most cats are able to give birth calmly and without help, but there are certain situations that deserve human intervention.

During childbirth, it is necessary to remain attentive, even if the cat is not harassed, in case there is any difficulty. When this happens, there are several solutions according to each problem, so this article presents a guide on How to know if my cat needs a cesarean.

Why resort to cesarean section?

The period of gestation of the cats lasts between 57 and 65 days, after which the future mother will choose a place of the home to bring the world to her new family. Most of the cats are able to give birth without any problem, because in these felines the inconveniences during childbirth are really rare.

The objective of the caesarean is to facilitate the birth of the puppies, extracting them by means of a surgery which involves making an incision in the abdomen. When a cat has needed a caesarean section, it is likely that, if it is again in condition, it requires the same intervention, so it is recommended to castrate it the first time this procedure is used.

There Preventive reasons and therapeutic reasons that motivate the application of a cesarean, and each one depends on the conditions of the feline and the signs that are evident during the moment of delivery.

Preventive reasons

The veterinarian can recommend a preventive caesarean section if your cat belongs to a brachycephalic race (like the Persian) or with a very narrow birth canal (like the Siamese), or if the unborn puppies are too big.

Both brachycephalic breeds and narrow birth canal natural birth can lead to different problems, such as puppies are stuck, there is an internal tear in the mother’s body or that the suffering is too great for the cat to support. This does not mean that all subjects of these species are unable to give birth, but as the margin of complications it is so high a preventive caesarean section is recommended.

With respect to the size of the puppies, only through a ecosonogram The possibility of this problem occurring will be determined, hence the importance of keeping the cat in veterinary control during the gestation period.

Therapeutic reasons

A therapeutic cesarean is one that is performed when they are presented unexpected inconveniences at the time of delivery. Although it is best to leave the cat quiet when she gives birth, this does not mean that you should unlearn it: it provides a safe space days before to use it as a nest, and when the moment arrives it watches from a certain distance what happens, for that you detect a problem that could endanger the life of the mother and the kittens.

These problems have to do with the inability to give birth, as it occurs dystocia (fatigue of the mother due to the effort), a prolonged labor but without results (it can even happen that some of the puppies are born and others do not manage to leave), absence of contractions, traffic jams in the birth canal, insufficient dilatation, Among others.

How to know if there is a problem in the delivery?

In principle we should not be alarmed if we observe vomiting, tremors and urine before delivery, it is quite usual. After the uterine and abdominal contractions the puppies will begin to be born, with a rest time between fetus and fetus between 30 minutes and 2 hours.

It is normal that it may take a while for a kitten to be born, since the mother must clean them, give them heat and cut the cord, at this time we will not observe contractions. However, if we observe prolonged contractions without birth of no kitten we should contact quickly with the veterinarian, maybe one of them is stuck. Other signs of problems that indicate the need for this surgical operation are the presence of pus, greenish or black discharge.

If the cat complains, squeals, is too tired or faint is that you need medical attention immediately. Go to the specialist or call him to move to your home.

Is the cesarean section reliable?

Nowadays performing a caesarean section on a cat is considered a routine procedure and quite safe. The success of the same will depend, in the therapeutic case, of the rapidity with which the feline is transferred to the medical center.

However, remember that cats who do not have problems in childbirth or who do not have a predisposition to suffer some problem in this process should not be candidates for cesarean section. This procedure prevents that the puppies can receive the colostrum (milk that immunizes the small ones) and it can even happen that the cat rejects them.

The intervention is carried out using anesthesia and in the following 24 or 48 hours the instinct of the mother starts to take care of her litter. Consult your veterinarian on the best way to care for newborns during this period, because according to the state of the mother will be decided whether to place them to be immediately or not breastfeed.

Recovery after a cesarean section is relatively simple. Follow the instructions of the specialist to the letter and in a few days the cat will be the same as before. Once a cesarean section has been necessary, seriously consider sterilizing your pet, since it is most likely that if it remains in state again the same problems are repeated during the delivery.

This article is merely informative, in .com we do not have the faculty to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in case of any type of condition or discomfort.

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