A circumstance that sooner or later usually happens if your cat is not sterilized, is that find pregnant. Although instinct guides them, it is not bad for first-time mothers to help them in this critical moment.
There are three phases of help: Pre-delivery, during delivery and after delivery.
In this article we will indicate the different steps to follow in each phase. In this way you will know how to help a cat to give birth.
Detect pregnancy
If we suspect that our cat is pregnant we should take it to the veterinarian to confirm, or not, its status. The signs that should alert us are: the belly seems inflamed. The nipples lengthen and increase in volume. The cat licks the vulva.
If the veterinarian confirms the pregnancy, you must prepare for the occasion. During the following months the veterinarian will follow up of pregnancy and in due course will determine the number of unborn kittens.
It is very important to take into account the care of a pregnant cat so that the whole process takes place in the best conditions and we help you to enjoy a healthy pregnancy.
Necessary material
You should prepare a prior logistics in case things do not go correctly.
- You should have the vet’s phone number written down.
- You will have a carrier at hand in case you should go quickly to the vet.
- You will locate a quiet place in your home to mount the birth nest.
- At this point you will put a box of high sides, placing old towels or cotton cloths inside.
- You will have latex gloves, clean towels and betadine, or similar disinfectant.
- You will have a pair of scissors at hand.
- Buy milk powder for cats and a bottle for cat puppies.
- Dispose of sterile gauze.
El embarazo of a cat usually lasts Between 65 to 67 days. During approximately the first month and a half of pregnancy the diet will continue being the habitual one. The following month and a half should be changed the diet for puppy food, since it is more caloric with less amount of food. The fetuses press the stomach and the cat is unappetizing. Find out more about the pregnant cat’s diet.
The big day is here
The day that the cat is going to give birth is very restless and does not eat anything. With much care accommodate her in the nest.
If you see that the vulva secretes some green or bloody fluid, immediately contact the veterinarian and follow his instructions. It means there are serious problems, which may require you to put the cat in the carrier and go quickly to the vet.
If you do not observe negative symptoms, keep your distance and let nature take its course. The cat, by instinct, knows better than you what should be done. Do not hit her, but watch your cat carefully.
Before the delivery you will observe that the cat meticulously licks its vulva to clean it. Then you will see that the contractions begin.
When the time comes the cat will break water and expel amniotic fluid. The first puppy will start soon. If everything goes right every puppy will be born with a range of 30 to 60 minutes. If it takes too long, contact the veterinarian.
You must control that the cat breaks and releases the amniotic sac to the baby and clean it with his tongue. If you see that he does not do this, carefully break the bag at the level of the face and with a gauze wipe his face and nose so he can breathe. Return the puppy to the cat to smell it and finish cleaning it.
It is very important that you check that the cat after delivery, it expels the placenta and eats it. It needs all the hormones and nutrients it contains to produce enough milk. Each baby is a different placenta. With 2 or 3 consumed placentas will suffice.
The cat with its teeth will cut the umbilical cords. If you do not, call the vet for guidance.
The offspring are born with intervals of 30 to 60 minutes, as we have indicated before. It is very important that there is no puppy or placenta inside the cat, because it could die.
Once groomed by her mother, the kittens look for the nipples of the cat to feed. Is first breastfeeding is vital, since they are the colostrum. Indispensable to naturally immunize the litter.
If you observe that there is a breeding that does not breast, perhaps it is due to some obturation. Carefully grab the puppy head down with a gloved hand. Shake it gently to force it to expel the liquids lodged in the lungs.
If it is absolutely necessary, give the baby a bottle if it is unable to hold onto its mother’s nipple.
After the birth
Check that the first hours after delivery the cat is serene. It is not convenient to visit the whole family, neighbors, friends and acquaintances. Leave for three or four days mother and children do not have frights. With only one person to attend it will be enough.
Make sure that in no time you lack fresh water and energetic feed. Accelerate the sand to 1 or 2 meters so you do not have to move too much. Keep it very clean.
If you want to read more articles similar to How to help a cat to give birth, we recommend that you enter in our section of Gestation.