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How to empty the anal glands in cats?

The anal or perianal glands do not cease to be a middle of communication between the cats, since the characteristic smell they secrete informs about their own identity. The normal thing is that cats, both males and females, empty their contents when defecating, thus lubricating the anus. In other situations, such as when they suffer from fear or stress, they also give off this characteristic odor.

In this article of We will learn about the anatomy and emptying of these small glands since it is very important that the owners can prevent complications. Discover below how to empty the anal glands in cats.

What are the anal glands?

These glands they are in the anal sacs on both sides of the anus (between four-five and seven-eight o’clock) and communicate with the rectum through ducts.

The secretion that they accumulate must be liquid (brownish-yellowish coloration), on the contrary, we will find ourselves before an impaction. When you do not go to the vet quickly, the content can fistulize (a new conduit is created by which the accumulated content is ejected) or it can be produced un abscess in the sack, causing the cat more pain.

The veterinarian will establish a treatment of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, in addition to performing a curettage of the anal sacs (under sedation) allowing it to heal by secondary intention. Sometimes saculectomy is necessary (exeresis of the anal sacs).

There are also benign tumors of hepatoid cells so it is necessary to make a correct differential diagnosis. Currently, there is laser therapy with satisfactory results in the treatment of saculitis thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

The emptying of the glands

To perform a correct emptying, first we have to go to the vet so that he can teach us the exact method. Keep in mind that the emptying of the anal glands is a physiological act of the cat, so it is not convenient to force it unless it requires it since it is counterproductive.

There are cats that by their anatomical structure or by an increase in the production of secretions are more prone to the obstruction of the sacks and they need manual help.

Step by step to empty the cat’s anal glands

  1. We will raise the tail of the cat with one hand and with the other we will take a gauze.
  2. We will place the gauze just in front of the cat’s anus.
  3. We identify the bags in the above indicated location and press with our fingers inwards and upwards gently, increasing the pressure slowly and without damaging our cat.
  4. We have to be careful not to get stained since the liquid comes out with a lot of pressure.
  5. If necessary, the area will be disinfected.

Prevention and care

There are certain signs that indicate that the anal glands present alterations as impaction, sacculitis or fistulas:

  • The cat drags the anus energetically on the floor
  • He licks his anus
  • Bad smell
  • Look at the posterior third and emit moans
  • It has inflammation and even erosions and bruises around the anus
  • Expulsion of purulent fluid through a fistula
  • Constipation due to pain

If we observe any of these circumstances, we should go to the veterinarian as soon as possible due to the special pain with which these diseases occur.

Finally, we are going to influence the care that helps us prevent The affections of the anal glands:

  • The feeding of our cat must be balanced, adapted to the feline species and without adding remains of human food.
  • It can be supplemented with commercial fiber preparations. An adequate volume of stool causes pressure on the glands, stimulating their emptying.
  • We will update the correct internal and external deworming and causes of primary disease such as atopy or food allergies must be correctly diagnosed and treated.
  • We must avoid obesity and maintain proper hygiene of the feline.

This article is merely informative, in .com we do not have the faculty to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in case of any type of condition or discomfort.

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