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How to approach a scared or scared cat?

Like humans, cats can show fear due to various reasons. This emotion is an important ally of his survival, since it allows them to stay alert and escape possible predators or other threats. It is normal for your cat to startle and be afraid of certain loud noises or unknown stimuli in their environment, as their senses are very sharp. However, fear can appear as a negative symptom of the state of physical and mental health of your pussycat.

In this article, we summarize the main causes of fear among felines. And if you ask how to approach a cat with fear To help you, you can also learn key tips to approach a fearful or shy feline without causing negative feelings.

Why is my cat afraid?

As we have mentioned, a cat can be afraid of being surprised by unknown or aggressive stimuli. This is part of your survival mechanism. If your feline hears a loud noise, for example, he can run and hide in a dark and difficult to reach place, where he finds a refuge to feel safe. However, if your cat is very scared or scared very easily, you should be careful and take it quickly to the veterinary clinic to rule out any health problem.

Felines who have a history of physical and emotional abuse, who were abandoned or were born on the streets, are especially vulnerable to psychological disorders. If you recently adopted a puppy cat or adult, you should be very attentive to their behavior to quickly perceive the symptoms of fear, insecurity or self-defensive aggressiveness. It is also important to respect your adaptation period at home, while stimulating their curiosity to explore the new environment and its various stimuli. It will be very important to have the help of an expert in ethology or feline education to establish specific guidelines that help your kitty to resume his self-confidence and express himself in a safe way.

If your cat is very scared or timid, it can also be a symptom of a poor socialization or some trauma developed after certain negative experiences. In addition, it is essential to rule out possible pathological causes, such as diseases that alter their sensory capacity or cause intense pain.

In all the cases mentioned, it is essential to consult your trusted veterinarian to find out the cause of your pussycat’s fearful behavior. In the veterinary clinic, the professional may perform the appropriate evaluation to diagnose the cause of the fear and the possibilities of treatment.

Step by step to approach a cat with fear

There are several causes that can cause a cat to be scared and frightened. A cat can be scared in a new house, so much that it seems that it is afraid of everything, so it is hidden and does not want to leave. If this is your case and you notice that the pussycat is afraid of you or any other stimulus, take note of these tips:

  1. Keep calm and act normallyIt may seem a “silly” advice, but it is one of the most fundamental aspects to approach a fearful cat for sure. Animals are very sensitive and quickly perceive changes in our mood. If you approach a fearful cat with an altered posture (either of fear or anxiety), it will increase the stress of this situation, and will encourage the cat to try to defend itself or escape from your presence. Try to maintain a relaxed body posture, not stare or take sudden action. You can also approach sideways.
  2. Speak softly: As we mentioned, cats have a very sensitive hearing. If you approach a fearful cat talking loudly or shouting, this stimulus will be aggressive to the feline ears and will further disturb the animal’s tranquility. The ideal is to speak softly, preferably in low, high and positive tones that transmit confidence.
  3. Move slowly and slowly: Surely, you will have to walk to get closer to the cat, and you should do it slowly with a calm posture. But it is important to keep a prudent distance, especially if it is an unknown feline. If you advance quickly or run to reach it, the cat will take it as a pursuit or as a threat. Observe at all times your body language and if you observe that when you approach it you try to move away or hide more, keep a prudent distance.
  4. Encourage him to approach: The ideal is for the cat to feel motivated to move in your direction. Jumping on a frightened cat or trying to grab it by force are not positive attitudes at all, as they cause more fear to the animal and favor the development of self-defensive behaviors. In addition, it is very likely that the cat manages to escape anyway, due to its impressive agility. You can encourage him to come out of hiding with tasty food, toys or kind words.

Tips to attract a scared or shy cat

The principle of attracting any cat is stimulate your curiosity in an environment that offers the least amount of negative or aggressive stimuli, such as loud noises. That is to say: to encourage him to want to discover some object or some aroma in a environment in which you feel safe to move forward calmly. Cats love being mentally stimulated, because they are very intelligent. This remarkable feline intelligence will be our best ally to win the trust of a cat with fear or timidity.

If you have recently adopted your beautiful pussycat, you should understand that each cat has its own time to adapt to the new home. It is likely that your little one spends a lot of time hiding and is afraid or shy for a few weeks, which can naturally worry you. However, if you’re wondering how to get a cat out of hiding, you should know that you should never force him out of his hiding place to avoid causing more stress. The ideal is to attract it to discover an object that causes a lot of curiosity, such as a toy, a cardboard box with an exquisite sweets inside, or a simple paper bag or cardboard.

An excellent option is to give him or yourself a wand with colorful feathers at his tip, which is one of the most precious toys for cats. To attract your pussycat, you must wave the wand to simulate the flight of a bird, keeping a reasonable distance to allow it to advance safely. Remember to start by gently waving the wand so as not to scare your pussycat. Little by little, you can increase the pace of the game, as well as the complexity of the mental stimuli that you offer.

To each good attitude and demonstration of courage of your feline, remember to recognize their effort and reward them using positive reinforcement, to continue stimulating their learning and conquering their affection. It is not about offering food, you can also use the voice, caresses or a positive attitude towards him.

It is not always easy to approach a cat with fear or that is shy by nature, mainly in situations of extreme stress, such as a rescue. As you can imagine, in the streets, it is very difficult to isolate yourself from negative stimuli or aggressive noises. For this reason, it is usually more efficient to use food to attract the cat, than to awaken interest in playing. Like us, cats have a hard time saying “no” to their favorite dishes and treats. And taking into account that the animal may have suffered some type of violence, it is natural to be afraid and avoid playing with a human being.

It is worth noting that, with the proper socialization and with the dedication of his tutor, a rescued cat will adapt and be willing to have fun in his new home.

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