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How often do you cut a cat’s nails?

Arañar is perhaps the second favorite activity of cats, after sleeping. Of course, the claws that our kittens have are not a simple instrument of game and destruction, but also a Defense mechanism and a practical tool that will be useful in many situations.

Although it is not always necessary to cut the nails of a cat, when they do not have the necessary objects to sharpen them, they are elderly or they stop doing it for other reasons, it can be interesting to cut them regularly. Next we tell you how often should you cut your cat’s nails.

Is it necessary to cut the cat’s nails?

In nature, the cat is able to maintain on its own the condition of its nails, wearing them and sharpening them on various surfaces, such as the trunk of a tree. However, when you stay inside the house keeping your nails in good condition becomes difficult regardless of whether you have a scraper, so that avoid discomfort To the cat while walking, to avoid being lime on your furniture, cutting the nails becomes a necessity.

The scrapers They are essential as the act of scratching is instinctive in the cat. Not only scratch and scratch to keep its claws, but it is also a way of relieve stress. As if this were not enough, by scratching the feline communicates with others of the same species, leaving marks that indicate their presence and delimit their territory.

This is why it is best to place several scrapers in different parts of the house, because if you do not count on them your cat will choose to tear everything he finds, and if you reprimand him for this and prevent him from releasing his instinct, you will affect his physical health and mental. It is best to try to teach him to use the scraper, but not all cats want or can learn.

Usually cats that walk and play outside the home do not need their nails to be cut, only those that remain inside the house or apartment require this kind of care.

How often do you have to cut the nails?

The frequency of nail cutting will depend to a large extent on the activity of your catHow playful he is and how much opportunity he has to sharpen his nails without risking the integrity of your furniture.

Usually, the nails of the front legs require a cut twice a month, that is, every fifteen days, while for the back legs with a single cut at the end of the month is more than enough.

The use of the scrapers can delay the moment of the nail cut, because as we already said among its benefits it is contributing to the wear of the same. One way to find out if it is time to cut the nails is to notice if you are capable of “listen to them“: If your cat runs and you hear the clatter of its claws against the floor, then they have grown too much and it is time to cut them out.

Tips for cutting your cat’s nails

Now that you know when to cut your cat’s nails, you’re probably wondering how you’ll do it. It is an activity that requires a lot of attention and care so as not to cause damage to the cat or cause traumas.

  1. Acquire a special nail clipper for cats. Never use one for humans.
  2. Get yourself with silver nitrate, a substance that stops bleeding in the event of a cut.
  3. The cat is usually used to cut its nails since childhood, so it will be positively associated.
  4. If you have never cut the nails of an adult cat, arm yourself with patience and be sensitive. You can roll the cat in a towel and place it on your lap, where you will remove the legs one by one to cut the nails. You can also get help from another person, one holds the cat and the other cuts. Remember that it may be interesting to use long and thick gloves.
  5. When you have the paw in your hand, press each finger a little and the claws will come out by themselves. You will find the white nail and a section, located towards the center, of dark or reddish color. Cut only the white part, otherwise you’ll be mutilating the nerve, causing a lot of pain and bleeding. In cats with dark fur the nail is usually brown, and the center of the nerve a little blacker.
  6. If you mistakenly cut the nerve, quickly place a little silver nitrate. You should know that a lot of blood can come out.
  7. If your cat is disturbed and twists excessively and you can not manipulate it, do not force it, you could harm it without wanting to.
  8. Remain calm while cutting your nails, use a calm tone of voice to address the feline and transmit tranquility.
  9. Keep chunks of your cat’s favorite food nearby Give him a prize when you finish. If you use this positive reinforcement little by little it will be calmer.
  10. Never yell or threaten the cat if it does not want to let you cut its nails.
  11. In cats with very long hair it is very useful to moisten the hair of the legs before cutting the nails, in order to separate the tangle and work with greater comfort and precision.
  12. Never opt for the desangunlación, because the procedure is considered a mutilation and physically and mentally harms the feline.
  13. If you do not feel safe enough to cut the cat’s nails yourself, go to the veterinarian to do so without risk.

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