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How long is the heat of a cat?

When it comes to living with a ready It is inevitable that caregivers have their period of heat. Due to the specific characteristics that this presents, which we will explain in this article, the zeal is always a topic of conversation and, due to the problems it produces, most of the caregivers choose, with good judgment, for sterilization. So that we can make this decision we will review, then, How long is the zeal of cats, what symptoms it presents and when it begins.

When is the first heat in cats and how often?

We call zeal to period in which the cat is fertile and, therefore, you can stay pregnant. There may be variations but, in general, the cats begin their first zeal towards the 6 months of age, although it will depend on the time of year, since it is influenced by sunlight, which means that more than talking about How often does a cat come into heat?, we must be mindful that the zeal will last for months, usually from the end of winter, spring, summer and the beginning of autumn. It can continue throughout the year in cats that live indoors and are affected by artificial light and also in those of tropical climates with more than 12 hours of light a day. This does not mean that the cat spends all this time showing symptoms of heat but that, during those months, you can go into heat at any time.

How long is the heat in the cats?

It is said that the cat is polyestric seasonal, that is, it presents several jealousies during its reproductive period. In the same way, the answer to how long a cat’s zeal lasts is not unique, since it can have symptoms for days or even weeks continuously, although the norm is a zeal of about 7 days that is repeated every 10. If a male has access to it and the copulation occurs, at the end, the cat withdraws his penis covered with spicules, which causes pain to the female and triggers ovulation. This process is called induced ovulation. If fertilization does not occur, the zeal does not stop.

Symptoms of a cat in heat

Due to the particularities of its cycle, more than the duration of a cat’s heat, we must focus on identifying its symptoms, which will be unmistakable, although we should know that they are not appreciated in all cats. A cat in heat, in general, goes to to be nervous, very restless, claiming our attention and issuing a very acute meow, strident and continuous, which can appear more intensely at night. It is possible, too, to point it towards the windows or doors and try to go outside.

These demonstrations can be answered by the neighborhood cats, if there are any, with the risk of incidents occurring between them when approaching. The pheromones that cats produce during heat also can induce estrus in close cats. Of course, if the cat has access to the outside, quite likely it will return in state. We can also see that our cat It rubs against our body or against objects, is more affectionate (although some cats show aggressiveness), lifts the tail and shows the genitals. You can increase your appetite at the beginning of the heat and decrease at the end. Some cats will urinate more often and can mark with urine.

How to calm a cat in heat?

The only way to reassure a cat in heat is prevent him from suffering, otherwise we will have to live with the symptoms that it produces throughout the duration of the heat. To eliminate heat, there are drugs that our veterinarian can administer, but we must know that, although they may be the solution for a specific moment, in the long term they have serious side effects such as mammary tumors or uterine infection. For all this, in addition to the health benefits we achieve, we can only recommend the sterilization, which usually consists in the removal of the uterus and ovaries. With this the cat will not have the heat again and, therefore, will not be able to reproduce.

Sterilization to avoid heat in cats

So that we do not have to worry about how long a cat’s zeal lasts, what symptoms it produces or whether it has gotten pregnant or not, we recommend ovariohysterectomy, always in trusted veterinarians. It is recommended that this operation be done before the first heat because with it we take advantage of all its health benefits, such as avoiding the appearance of mammary tumors.

Can a cat be sterilized in heat?

Better that the cat is not in heat when we fix the intervention because, although a cat in heat can be sterilized if there is no other remedy, It is preferable that it is not to avoid that the greater sanguineous irrigation of the area complicates the procedure with bleeds.

If you want to read more articles similar to How long is the heat of a cat?, we recommend that you enter in our section of Zeal.

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