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Cares for one month

The pregnancy of a hard cat between 64 and 67 days and have litters between 1 and 5 puppies of average. The pregnant cat needs a lot of care, but this is just the beginning of all the care that you will have from now on, especially with the baby cats that have just been born.

Newborn cats are very fragile, little by little they will become independent, however in the first days they require a lot of care and attention to be able to develop in the best way.

In this article we have made a collection of useful tips for your puppies to achieve optimal development and gradually reach adulthood in a healthy way and above all enjoy a full and happy life, from small. Keep reading to find out about the care for cats for a month.

Care in the early days of cats

The appropriate thing is that during the first days of life, the baby cat is as long as possible with his mother. She will take care of all the necessary care, for example provide the colostrum, the most important food for puppies during the first month of life.

Colostrum provides great benefits and should be taken by baby cats during the first 24 to 72 hours of life. Colostrum provides antibodies and antimicrobial factors, which enhances the defenses of the intestine, not to mention that it contributes growth factors, very important for puppies. During this process we should not touch or manipulate them.

However, it is common to find litters of kittens abandoned by people or by their own mother. It can also happen that the cat does not nurse or reject her descendants. In this type of situation we must take care of the kitten or the litter.

You should know that taking care of a single cat and even several is a very complicated task because you should be aware of them the 24 hours to feed them regularly and provide them with heat. A careless or a bad ingestion can make die a small newborn.

The first care of a newborn cat:

  • Create a stable environment such as a carrier or a box.
  • The temperature should be around 20ºC – 22ºC, to keep it you can take an electric blanket, place on a towel (never in direct contact with cats) and on top of the “nest” of the kittens.
  • Cover the false burrow with a thin blanket so that they feel safe and protected from the cold.
  • You can add a clock to simulate the heartbeat of the mother, usually reassuring the little ones.

Feeding in cats babies

Following with the care for cats of a month, we will focus on the feeding of these small, the most important of all care. The first thing to take into account is that under no circumstances should you administer cow’s milk to a kitten, and that means you should not do it in any of their presentations: whole milk, part-skimmed or milk for human babies.

This is because the immune system of the puppies is just developing and therefore can present infections or digestive disorders, which endanger the lives of your little ones. They also have a greater difficulty in metabolizing this type of milk. The best option is to buy infant formula for cats, this has the necessary proteins and nutrients such as phosphorus, which will help in the correct development and growth of the puppies.

The best thing you can do is go to your veterinarian so he can tell you which is the best nutritional option for your case. It can also help you develop a specific homemade formula for your kittens and the needs they have.

How to feed a newborn kittens:

  1. Get artificial milk formula.
  2. Buy a bottle and a nipple for each cat (you will avoid the transmission of diseases) and boil all the objects to sterilize them.
  3. Heat the milk until it is at a suitable temperature, neither too cold nor too hot. Use your skin to check that it is at an adequate temperature.
  4. Stimulate the kitten until you wake up.
  5. Never in vertical, always in horizontal allows your kitten to drink milk, to know the right amount you should consult your veterinarian. You should also check the indications of the product you have purchased.
  6. Let him nurse little by little and without haste, it is preferable that he receive more from a lower amount of formula.
  7. Pay attention to a strange cough, excessive noise or the expulsion of milk through the nose. If it happens it will be a consequence of a bad milk ingestion. Go immediately to a veterinary clinic. Never cuddle like a baby.
  8. When you finish eating you should stimulate your genitals to urinate or defecate, it is very important that you always do it. Use a wet wipe or towel to simulate your mother’s tongue.

Extra tips on feeding newborn kittens:

  • Newborn cats should feed each 3 or 4 hours, as they grow this time it will expand.
  • Always clean and disinfect all the bottles, also remember that each one is individual.
  • Never save more than 12 hours milk already prepared.
  • Do not stop feeding a cat if it is apathetic or discouraged, stimulate it until it wakes up.
  • Go to the veterinarian in a strange situation, baby kittens are very sensitive and could die in a matter of minutes or hours.

Development of baby kittens

Following the tips discussed above your little kittens will begin to develop and grow. To make sure that everything happens correctly is useful create a table of notes in which we daily aim the weight of the cats.

Each day should increase an approximately 10%. If not, maybe you should increase the milk consumption of the kittens.

You feed the kittens every 3-4 hours (including at night) until they meet the 4 weeks of life. From the fourth week we will begin to reduce milk consumption and to provide small doses of wet food (one spoonful for example), always soft food.

Little by little we will reduce the milk and increase the wet food until weaning. Then we can start it in the dry feed.

Play and take care of your little cats

You must also stimulate play needs, since by suppressing this need, cats can grow depressed and traumatized. In addition, this develops your perceptive and guiding skills. To play with your cats, you can use any object that does not cause any damage, such as a ball of yarn. The game is also an indication of cat health.

You must pay attention on your weight, which must increase constantly during the first three months. It is normal for cats to double in weight after the first week of birth, when they weigh between 90 and 110 grams, at the third week they should weigh around 280 grams.

Health of a puppy

Last but not least in this series of cat care for a month, you should take them to medical review as soon as possible. Take your cats to the vet to verify dehydration, parasites, weight and the general health of your puppies. Some warning signs and symptoms are:

  • cough
  • Diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • low temperature
  • lack of weight
  • little appetite
  • lack of energy

In case of any of these symptoms you should go to the professional as soon as possible. As we have commented the kittens are extremely sensitive and they could die in less than an hour. It is also very important to be able to rule out diseases and parasites that can seriously harm your kitten.

Later and continuing with the calendar of vaccines for cats you will have to vaccinate them to prevent them from suffering diseases in the future.

following these tips , you will guarantee the correct development of your puppies. It is true that it is an arduous task that requires full time and especially a lot of love, very difficult but not impossible and in the end you will get the satisfaction of having done the right thing.

If you want to read more articles similar to Cares for one month, we recommend that you enter in our section of extra care.

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