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Care for newborn cats without a mother

The care that a mother gives her children is difficult for others to take on, and if we talk about a human being taking care of newborn kittens that have been orphaned, it can be even more complicated.

However, in We know that with the advice and the right help felines can get ahead, it is only necessary to offer the kitten, or the litter, the primordial so that they develop fully.

If you have a litter and you do not know how to take care of it, this guide care for newborn cats without a mother It is exactly what you are looking for. Keep reading to find out what the perfect home is for these kittens that have come into the world.

An orphan litter

Some scenarios make it possible for you to assume the task of being the surrogate mother of a litter of kittens, for example: your own cat rejects her puppies and refuses to feed them; the cat is sick and is not in a position to take care of her puppies, or the progenitor has died and you have found an abandoned litter.

When it comes to this last option, we recommend making sure that the kittens are really abandoned, because it is possible that the mother of the puppies is near there.

In any of these cases, taking care of newborn cats is an exhaustive and at the same time very comforting task. The first three weeks are more tense, as the kittens they are more vulnerable. From the fourth, the probability that your puppies will grow increases and the breeding moves to another stage.

How should the kittens nest?

The first thing you should do is prepare a space so that the litter can feel comfortable, sheltered and protected at the same time. It is best to select a box, basket or bed for cats that is exclusive of the kittens, which should be placed in a place in the house away from the constant circulation of people, loud noises and air currents, but at the same time allows you to monitor them easily.

It is very important that newborn kittens receive the body heat that the mother would give them, because at that young age they themselves are not able to regulate their own temperature. To achieve this, we recommend:

1. Place blankets inside the cat’s bed, which you should wash frequently.
2. Provide heat by:

  • A heating pad for pets, which you must wrap in a fleece to avoid accidents.
  • Warm up a bag of hot water so that it keeps some 37 degrees centigrade, wrap it in a cloth and place it next to the kittens.
  • Your own body heat can also comfort you. In addition, the kittens are given heat between them by the way they sleep, very close together, so make sure you do not separate them into different beds or baskets.

Feeding kittens puppies

As with human babies, breast milk is the most recommended for newborn kittens. However, as in this case you can not count on the mother, you should get formula for newborn kittens, also known as artificial infant formula.

At least during the first three weeks, this is the only thing that can serve as food for the kittens. You can get this formula in veterinary clinics, pharmacies and pet products stores, consult your doctor about the most suitable brand for your litter.

Never feed them cow’s milk or other dairy products marketed to humans, as they cause diarrhea and other digestive problems in cats, which, given the young age of the puppies, would cause them a dehydration that would easily kill them.

If you have just picked up the kittens and you have nothing to give them, offer them a little warm water with a dropper, to avoid dehydration while you acquire the formula.

When you have the milk in your hands, prepare it according to the instructions that appear on the package, and offer it warm to the kittens, making sure it is not too hot. The correct way to feed them is using a bottle, which you should place as if it were your mother: with the kittens in a horizontal position, so they can suck the milk themselves. Never place them in the same way we feed human babies, because they could drown.

Pussies will want to knead you while you feed them, so you can leave them a blanket to do so. When you notice that they no longer suck or have fallen asleep, it will be the time when they are already satisfied.

When they are finished, place them next to your shoulder and give small touches on the back so that they belch. The first two weeks should eat every two hours, even at night. Then, the feeding can be spaced to four hours and so on.

Discover everything about feeding newborn kittens to take care of your cats as completely as possible.

Hygiene of kittens

It is the mother who stimulates the sphincters of the kittens with their tongue so that they can defecate and urinate, so you should do the same. Moisten a cloth or wet wipe with warm water and gently rub the genitals of each kitten always in the same direction, until they relieve themselves. It is best to place them on a clean sheet while doing this, to avoid disasters.

You must do this until the pussycat stops defecating or urinating, to make sure you have expelled everything. This routine should repeat it every day after each take.

Waste from excretion should not have a strong odor; if so, it could indicate health problems, so the opinion of a veterinarian will be necessary.

For bathe the kittens The process is similar: just moisten a cloth with warm water and caress the fur with short movements. When finished, make sure to completely dry the hair, because the cold can be deadly. Remember that you should never completely bathe the cat unless it is really essential.

How should the manipulation be?

As the first weeks kittens are extremely vulnerable, and to prevent them from contracting any disease or infection, you must also apply certain measures when approaching them:

  • Wash your hands and arms very well before taking the puppies.
  • Keep other pets away from the litter for the first two or three weeks, to avoid being harmed or contagious.
  • Do not share the utensils that are of the puppies.

We hope these tips will be useful for you to help your newborn kittens without mother. Remember go to your veterinarian in search of advice and be attentive to any sign or different behavior, which could evidence a health problem. Also at the veterinarian you must start the vaccination calendar and the deworming of the puppies.

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