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Can I bathe a sick cat?

Cats are very clean animals, they take care of their daily cleaning. But, like us, they can get sick and when they feel bad, the first thing they neglect is their personal appearance. In these situations they need pampering and we give them a hand in their toilet to not feel so bad. We must evaluate several points and consult the veterinarian beforehand.

In our article we will answer the question that many people ask themselves in the office and sometimes, desperate because they smell fatal. Can I bathe a sick cat? We will answer it throughout the reading.

When should I bathe my cat?

Although it is not advisable to bathe a cat, since they clean themselves, in the case of being extremely dirty it is recommended to wash our pussycat Each 15 or 30 days. Of course, provided that it is in perfect health.

Although the ideal is to accustom a cat to the bathroom since it is a puppy, we can also bathe an adult cat for the first time, although the experience can be a challenge, especially if we are abrupt and do not respect their distrust of the water. We must remember that the ideal is to accustom them from the 6 months of life so that they do not generate a trauma and to us, a stress.

There will be times when you will need a bath as if something spills on them and is toxic to them, they circulate in places with a lot of dust, grease or sand and in these cases, they will need our help if or yes.

Following these steps, can I bathe my sick cat?

Moving on to answer the question Can I bathe a sick cat? It is important to note that, as a veterinarian, I do not recommend bathing a sick cat at all. Remember that this procedure is very stressful and the only thing we have as a priority now is to recover your health status.

Cats are much more sensitive than dogs at the level of anatomical innervation of their body, so in most, they are not very fanatical about bathing. If you spend energy in a bath, you must save to recover from the disease that you have to overcome, we can have a relapse or deepening of the physical problem.

The owners who are very aware of their cats quickly detect that something is wrong due to their carelessness in the toilet and / or opaque fur. The ideal is turn to the vet to evaluate what may be happening, thus avoiding more serious problems. The care that our cat will need will be determined by the professional that evaluates it but we leave you a small guide to learn to prioritize:

  • Food: it is not the right time to make changes in your diet, unless the disease requires it. We will try to give you your food every day, I think or homemade, in the way that is easiest for you to eat. We do not want you to stop eating under any circumstances. We can include aloe vera in juice to help internally and externally.
  • Water: it is important to offer a lot of water and make sure it is taken, otherwise we must give it in the mouth with a syringe. Remember that this maneuver can stress them more, so the ideal is that you do it by your will.
  • Rest and tranquility: they will be very necessary for your complete recovery. We must promote a warm and peaceful environment, without fright, avoiding to bother you.

Do not forget that.

Once your cat has overcome his illness, you can bathe him. Some cats love water, but it is not the majority, so at the beginning they will feel a rejection of being wet. It is important to start slowly and as we anticipate, starting at the 6 months of age. Little by little, with great tact and without making sudden movements, which will help them not to suffer anxiety.

However, if you notice your cat very stressed, it will be advisable to avoid bathing and use a dry-cleaning shampoo or wet wipes to clean dirty areas.

We will use warm water, with a non-slip mat underneath or if we do not have a wet towel. We recommend using only products recommended by the veterinarian since his ph of his skin is different from that of humans. After the bath we will dry it as best as possible with a towel. In the warmer months, the bath will relieve them, but in cold months we recommend applying dry baths or a damp towel so that you do not get sick due to the toilet and perhaps, bad drying on our part.

This article is merely informative, in .com we do not have the faculty to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in case of any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Can I bathe a sick cat?, we recommend that you enter in our section of Other health problems.

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