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Avoid cat dizziness by car

The idea that the cat is as wild as it is independent is widespread, however, if you share your life with a cat you will have discovered that this animal requires as much care and attention as any other pet.

In addition, the emotional bond that is formed with a cat can become very strong, so it is normal that you do not want to leave behind your domestic cat when you have to travel or travel, although this can be an adventure.

For your pet to enjoy more of the trip, in this article we show you how Avoid cat dizziness by car.

Ensure the welfare of the cat

If we make a trip with our cat, their health should be an aspect that worries us, and much, therefore, is a priority adapt the trip to the needs of our cat, choosing a broad carrier that we will place in the back of the car, giving it time to get used to the interior of the vehicle and facilitating a quiet environment.

Another very important aspect so that you are well and thus avoid dizziness is make stops every 2 hours when the journey exceeds this duration. In these stops it is not convenient to take the cat out of the vehicle, but they are necessary so that our pet can drink water, cool down and use the sandbox. For the occasion we must choose a sandbox easy to transport and with a lid.

Reassure the cat

Sometimes the dizziness that a cat can experience when traveling by car is caused by the stress that this generates. To reduce this level of stress it is important to place the carrier in the lower part of the vehicle, so that the cat is not stimulated so much when seeing the outside.

For the cat to reduce the stress of the trip another excellent option is to spray the vehicle with synthetic pheromones, which make our cat interpret that it is in its territory and is safe. Obviously we can use various natural tranquilizers for cats that will be of great help.

Feed your cat well in advance

A kinetic dizziness, caused by movement, may be aggravated if the stomach of our pet is full, because in this case, the dizziness could lead to a digestive symptomatology that ended in vomit.

The day of the trip the cat should feed as usual (a change in diet can be counterproductive) but it is important to have given the food with 3 hours in advance to the trip.

Other tips for traveling with your cat in a healthy way

In addition to the tips that we have already mentioned, you will help your cat not get sick and have a happy trip if you have in consideration the following:

  • Under no circumstances can you leave your cat alone in the vehicle
  • Do not leave your cat’s carrier near the car’s air conditioning / heating ducts
  • When your cat starts to meow, calm him by speaking to him in a soft and calm tone
  • Keep the music in a low volume, this will help your cat stay calmer

This article is merely informative, in .com we do not have the faculty to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in case of any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Avoid cat dizziness by car, we recommend that you enter in our Prevention section.

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