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At what age do cats open their eyes?

Like humans, newborn cats They are totally dependent on their parent at birth, since they have not yet opened their eyes and their senses of smell, taste and touch are very limited, therefore, at this stage they are especially delicate and require special care to get ahead.

Among many of the doubts, caregivers tend to wonder at what age do cats open their eyes, because they remain closed for some time. If you want to know more about it, then you can not miss this article in which we will explain many things about newborn cats. Keep reading!

The prenatal period in cats

The pregnancy of the cat is an especially important moment that will directly influence puppies, because stress, anxiety or poor diet can cause puppies to develop health and behavior problems in its later stages.

It is essential that the cat in a state can enjoy an intimate space, like a nest, where you can be comfortable until the weaning of the puppy cats occurs. The ideal place is one in which the mother can feel quiet and safe, away from annoying noises, constant traffic of people or elements that could put their well-being at risk. This does not mean, however, isolating them from home life.

So that the pregnant cat does not have the need to move too much, we must leave the containers of water and food nearby, remember that the feeding of the pregnant cat is crucial for the milk production and the development of the small ones. In addition, the space should not be excessively warm or cold, as it can harm the health of the cat and the litter at birth.

The neonatal period in cats

Delivery takes place around the 57 or 68 days, at which time the cats usually give birth to an average of between four and five kittens, although in some cases up to six can be born and, in more rare cases, a litter of only two puppy cats.

Are cats blind when they are born?

The neonatal period in cats begins during birth and ends around nine days of life. At this moment the cats they have their eyes closed and its locomotor system (which includes muscles, bones, joints, ligaments.) is very limited. At this stage, puppies should not be separated from the mother, as they will hardly survive.

When do the umbilical cord fall to cats?

Generally newborn cats usually lose the umbilical cord around the fourth or fifth day after birth At this time we are likely to hear them crying and whining, it is totally normal.

When do the kittens begin to hear?

Unlike what many people believe, during the neonatal period puppy cats already have some slightly developed senses, such as taste, smell and touch. This allows their survival, because without them the kittens would not be able to find their mother and feel sufficiently stimulated at the time of suckling. But when do the kittens really hear their mother? Although it does not occur the same day they are born, they do start to hear before nine days of age.

When do cats open their eyes for the first time?

During the first days, the cats are somewhat clumsy, practically unable to move, because they still can not move easily and it is common to hear their squeals in search of his progenitorespecially when they are hungry. The cat spends a lot of time during this stage, so it is important to be attentive to the care of a cat and its young.

Unlike what happens with humans, cats do not open their eyes immediately after birth. But do not worry, this blindness is temporary, because when they start in the transition period the eyes are opened, usually between the 9 and the 15 days of life. In some cases it may even take longer. In addition, all puppies are born with the blue eyes and, little by little, it will appear what will be its final tonality, which may take up to 12 weeks to show.

How do you see baby cats?

When cats open their eyes, their vision is neither as sharp nor as sharp as that of an adult cat. In spite of that, the view begins to develop quickly, so that the kitten can already use this sense to explore the world and start his period of socialization.

The period of socialization starts around the two weeks, approximately, since it varies according to the individual. Then, the kittens will recognize their mother and siblings and begin to identify objects and pry into the world around them. In this stage, it is not strange that they try to reach everything they see, providing a very funny show, because they still do not have enough agility to move correctly, so they will walk clumsily and stumble.

When they have a month of life, the little kittens have a vision developed enough to distinguish everything around them. It also improves your agility to walk, run and jump, so they become more playful, independent and adventurous. At this time, you will begin to explore outside that “nest” in which you have lived up to that moment.

Your responsibility is to remain attentive to the basic needs are covered and foresee any accident, removing objects that could cause an accident. The mother takes care of the litter most of the time, while each kitten gains greater independence.

When does a cat eat alone?

Puppy cats develop especially fast, compared to dogs, who open their eyes around the 15 and 21 days of life. So, when are the cats weaned? Generally weaning occurs between the 4 and the 10 weeks of life. It is a progressive process and varies according to the individual, the environment, etc. In any case, we must carry out the care of the puppy cats as far as possible, to ensure that their weaning occurs positively.

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