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Advantages of adopting an adult cat

Adopting a pet is a decision that can not be taken lightly. All members of the family must agree with the arrival of the animal at home, and commit to the responsibility that implies care and compliance with the rules of coexistence that will be established.

Once these issues are discussed, it is time to choose the furry companion. Many times, we get carried away by the attractiveness of the puppies, because their tender appearance catch us immediately. However, it can be your chance to adopt an adult cat, since the most important thing is Give love to your pet.

This is why in we want to talk to you about the Advantages of adopting an adult cat. Cats are excellent companion animals, thanks to their independence, the tranquility of their character and their ability to preen themselves.

Adopt a pet?

Beyond deciding to adopt a cat for the beautiful colors of its fur, it is necessary to think about the background that this action implies: you will be providing a home loving an animal that lacked him. Whether you look for it in a shelter, rescue it from the street or get it to you by other means, like a friend or relative who is giving it up for adoption, for example, the most important thing is to assume how you are going to change that feline’s life when you open the door of your house.

That is the very essence of pet adoption, the desire to help a helpless being and turn it into your unconditional companion, with whom you share pleasant moments and to which you offer your dedication and your love.

It is very common to prefer a puppy cat, because they move us easily, as if it were never to become an adult. That’s why it’s important become aware that adopting a pet implies a responsibility and a commitment, and that it is an action that can not be motivated by emotions of the moment: when you adopt, you assume responsibility for the rest of the animal’s life, regardless of whether it is growing or reaching the old age.

Why adopt an adult cat?

First, you should think about what you are doing for the animal: give it a second chance a living being that perhaps does not have it, either because it is in the street or in a shelter, because statistics indicate that very few people adopt animals already grown. By offering him a life and a care that the cat never imagined, You will meet a faithful, grateful and affectionate companion.

The cats they adapt easily to the way of life of their owners, getting along with children and the elderly, so they are an excellent company for them after they have taught the children how to care for the animal.

The coexistence of the animal with the children can benefit them in case they suffer from allergies, since several studies have shown that contact with cats, and also dogs, creates the necessary defenses to cure allergies and prevent asthma.

The cats are very smart and tough, characteristics that have preserved their wild origins, so they are excellent hunters And animals playful They enjoy running and chasing toys in their active hours. The rest of the time, they are usually quite quiet pets.

From their origins as wild cats they have also inherited the physical resistance, manifested in a fortress against viruses and diseases.

With the adult cat, there will be no surprises about his personality, as it happens when they are still puppies. From the beginning you will know what his character and his way of being are, so that you can establish with him a more mature relationship of peers.

Loving cats means appreciating them all, regardless of their age or race. Once you have been properly educated, with love and understanding, your adult cat will become a sociable very attached to the family, without this means giving up his feline independence, of course.

Adult cats do not require as much care as puppies. This does not mean, of course, that you should leave your cat out in the open: good nutrition, vaccination, sterilization, visits to the veterinarian and the basic care that this prescribes must be fulfilled, since you can not forget that It is about a living being that is under our responsibility.

With the adoption of a cat, you contribute to the elimination of feline breeding sites, unethical practice that only seeks profit and not the health or welfare of the cats born there. Eliminating the purchase and sale of pets should be a priority worldwide.

Adopting an adult cat, you will show your children the value of life, where the most important thing is to give the pets the affection they need.

Each cat, adult or not, will give you an incomparable love and affection, without having to do with its color, its race or its age, but with the sensitive animals that they are.

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