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5 symptoms of a cat going to die

Death is a natural process that all living beings experience. Sometimes it can be difficult to perceive, especially in cats. As you may know, cats show little signs of pain or illness.

If you suspect that your cat may be dying, we recommend you read these 5 symptoms of a cat going to die, but it’s also going to be very important go to the vet as soon as possible, to offer you a dignified end as far as possible. Keep reading this article to know more about this process.

1. Your personality begins to change

Access to health care, a complete diet and good care has increased markedly longevity of our cats. Currently we can find many cats that reach the 17 and even the 20 years of age. Therefore, it is not surprising that diseases appear that were not previously perceived by the owners, as is the case of senile dementia in cats.

A clear sign that our partner is getting older is the beginning of disorders of behavior, generally related to the state of health. It is usual then to observe that it is irritable, that it carries out unusual urination behaviors or that it is especially depressed. Although these signals do not exclusively indicate that a cat is going to die, they do point out that something happens.

2. Does not preen

La loss of hygienic habits in a cat it is a clear sign that something is happening to our feline. Although it is true that some cats devote more time than others to their personal grooming, the total loss of this behavior indicates some type of problem.

We will also include in this section the carelessness of other practices, like the marking on the post to scratch or rub furniture and objects with their body odor.

3. Your vital signs are altered

The symptoms of a dying cat They also include alterations in their vital signs. It is common to observe an abnormal heart rhythm, excessively high or low body temperature and alterations in breathing.

Next, we explain what are the vital signs of a healthy cat [1]:

  • Respiratory frequency in cats: between 20 and 42 breaths per minute (RPM).
  • Heart rate in cats: between 140 and 200 beats per minute (PPM).
  • Body temperature: between 38ºC and 39ºC.
  • Hair filling time: pressure must be applied on the mucous membranes to see how long it takes to recover the normal color, for example the mucous membranes of the mouth. The capillary refill time of a cat must be less than two seconds.

Before any alteration of the vital signs of the feline we must go immediately to a veterinary center, since it implies that the life of the animal is compromised.

4. Stop feeding and health problems appear

As mentioned above, it is not always easy to identify the symptoms of a sick cat, however, the appearance of diarrhea, convulsions, vomiting, blood in the urine or observe that our companion stop feeding or drinking fluids It may indicate that the cat is sick and near its end. If your cat does not accept food, even if it is your favorite food, you are in an emergency.

5. Hides

This behavior is also common in sick or very afraid cats. However, an animal that is near death is vulnerable, therefore, it is not strange that many dying cats look for an isolated place to die. If you notice that your feline takes refuge somewhere and does not want to leave, maybe it is close to death.

What to do if a cat is dying?

In case of any of these signs, the most advisable thing is contact the veterinarian immediately, because it is the only figure capable of really diagnosing what happens to your best friend, be it the proximity of death or an illness.

The specialist will guide you on what decision to take. It is important to understand that if the animal is suffering a lot and suffers from pain, it may be convenient to assess Euthanasia, in order to stop suffering.

The veterinarian can also help and guide you to offer you the best care in this last stage. It may be necessary to help you feed, drink or defecate. Obviously it will also be essential that you offer all the love and possible love.

What to do when a cat dies?

The death of an animal is always a very painful process. In the midst of this whirlwind of feelings, you must value what to do with the body, a decision difficult for some people to make.

If your cat has died at the veterinarian, the specialist will probably suggest incinerate the body in the same center, either with other animals or in private. On the contrary, if your cat has died at home, you can go to the veterinarian or contact a funeral home for animals directly, a generally cheaper option. You can also choose to bury the body in a special place for you.

Do not forget that if your cat was registered in the pet registry of your country, you will have to communicate your withdrawal, to ensure that the census is updated.

The death of a loved one is always painful, although it is an animal, something that many people do not understand. Therefore, you should not feel guilty if you need to spend a time grieving or contact a specialist.

Do not forget that if at some point you are ready to have a cat again you can go to an animal shelter and offer a home to an abandoned animal.

This article is merely informative, in .com we do not have the faculty to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in case of any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to 5 symptoms of a cat going to die, we recommend that you enter in our section of Other health problems.

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