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10 strange behaviors of cats

The cats are an inexhaustible source of curious behaviors, especially for human beings, who often find it difficult to find a logical reason for the things we see them do. However, science has deciphered the reasons for most of these behaviors, knowing them is important, because it is possible that your cat is trying to tell you something without you knowing.

If you want to know what are the 10 strange behaviors of cats and find out why they do it, then you can not miss this article, keep reading!

1. Rub against your legs

Surely you recognize the scene: you arrive home and your cat receives you by rubbing his body and even his face against your legs and ankles. Why is this done? There are several reasons: one of them is that it is Happy to see you and expresses it in this way; another has to do with the marking, by rubbing your body against you, the cat recognizes you as part of its social group and claims you as one more member, who, obviously, must share the same smells, so he transmits them to you through this gesture.

2. Sleeping on the sink

Many cat tutors confess that they usually sleep in the bathroom sinks without being able to find an explanation. However, there is no mystery. Think that, in the first place, the sink is a small place, so some cats can relate it to a kind of burrow where they will be safe, which they like so much.

Another reason has to do with the temperature and it is very logical in summer and tropical countries. When the heat is more intense, is there any place cooler than the sink’s ceramic? According to cats, no.

3. Attacks of madness

Many cats are surprised when they start Run and jump through the house without there being an apparent reaction to it. This is more common at night and in young cats, but adult jumping cats can also be observed during the day. Why do they do it? There are two main reasons.

The first one is that your cat has a lot accumulated energy and is bored, so some crazy jumps and fast races help you entertain a little. When this is the case, consider offering your cat various means of entertainment so that he can release all that energy.

On the other hand, this behavior also occurs when the cat suffers an infestation by external parasites, since these bite their skin to feed, which causes itching. When the itching is unbearable or affects an area difficult to reach for scratching, it is common for the cat to jump from one side to the other because he does not know what to do to relieve himself. It also occurs when the cat suffers the syndrome of feline hyperesthesia or undulating skin, a condition that must be diagnosed and treated by a veterinarian.

4. Bite cloth

Some felines enjoy bite and suck cloth garments, especially when they are wool. This is usually common in felines that have been prematurely weaned and can become compulsive in some felines, becoming a stereotypy, while others only manifest it in stressful situations.

In the same way, other cats tend to chew and even eat all kinds of objects, such as plastic or cardboard. This phenomenon is called “Pica syndrome” and it is manifested when the cat has nutritional deficiencies or behavioral problems that lead to chronic anxiety, being urgent the veterinary visit.

5. Licking human hair

Many felines enjoy giving a good lick to the hair of their caregivers, either when they are in bed with them or when they climb on their shoulders. The reason for this behavior you will like: cats only groom other cats, so, if you lick your hair, it is because they consider you a reference figure or part of your family group.

The cats do this because, when they are small, their mother is responsible for grooming them and keeping them clean, so it is a way of strengthen the link they have with the members of their close circle.

6. Bite the plants

Many cat owners complain that their furry friends nibble and destroy their plants, but the feline never does this with the desire to harm them. Although they are carnivores, they need to eat foods of plant origin in a timely manner. In nature, this need can be satisfied when they devour the stomach of their prey, where they can find remains of half-digested plants.

Domestic cats, however, may try to make up for this lack by nibbling your plants a bit. However, we must be aware that there are some toxic plants for cats, therefore, we advise you to make sure they are not toxic and to prevent the cat from eating the plants.

7. Scratching outside the sandbox

If you’ve ever caught your cat scratching the ground outside your sandbox instead of covering up your stool, it’s trying to tell you something. Cats are very fussy about the cleaning your sandbox and also with those materials that you use as a substrate, so it may happen that you do not like the texture you are using. When this happens, the cat replaces the behavior of covering the stool, something that is completely instinctive, scraping the surface around.

8. Bite yourself

If you notice that your cat bites its back, its tail or any other part of its body repeatedly, you must be alert. This behavior can be a sign that you have external parasites, so you should check your fur in search of these annoying insects.

This behavior is also present in stressed cats that even get hurt, because they bite compulsively. In either case, do not forget to see your veterinarian.

9. Drag your butt

It’s not normal for cats to drag their asses across the floor, so when they do it means something happens. Although it may seem curious, the truth is that it is an unequivocal symptom that something is not going well. It may happen that the stool is stuck to his fur, something that can happen in cats with long hair or those who suffer from diarrhea.

However, it can also occur when the feline has intestinal parasites or an inflammation of the anal glands. In both cases, the visit to the veterinarian is mandatory.

10. Drink from the tap

With respect to water consumption, all cats seem to be different. Some drink from their containers without problems, others prefer metal drinkers, some do not drink water no matter what you do, and there are cats that enjoy water from anywhere, except the bowl you have prepared for it. Among the latter are felines who enjoy drink from the tap or faucet.

The reasons are not strange. First of all, plastic containers for pets are purchased, but the truth is that this material can change the taste of water, even if it is so subtle that the human tongue can hardly detect it. Second, if you’re not a thorough master, maybe you forget change the water daily, and the feline will refuse to drink if it is stagnant.

Apart from this, many cats are struck by the water running, because it gives them the feeling that they are fresher. If this is the case with your cat and you want it to stop drinking from the sink faucet, acquire a cat fountain.

If you want to read more articles similar to 10 strange behaviors of cats, we recommend that you enter in our Curiosities section of the animal world.

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