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Prevent my cat from urinating at home

We know that cats are very clean animals, but sometimes, especially males, urinate outside the sandbox that we have prepared for their needs and leave marks other parts of the house. Why do they do it? Can we avoid it? Effectively they have their reasons to do so and we can avoid it in most cases.

If you are the owner of a cat that follows this behavior that usually bothers humans and you are interested in rectifying it, read on and discover how keep your cat from urinating at home.

Why do domestic cats urinate outside their box?

Surely if you have a cat that urinates on the wall, on the couch, on the chairs and other places in your house and that you rarely do it in your sandbox, you will have asked yourself this question. We must remember that although they have been domesticated for many centuries and some prefer coexistence with humans, cats still have their instinct. Therefore, they will continue to do things that may be strange or even annoying to us. In the case of urine out of place can be various reasons such as:

  • The most common reason is the marking of its territory. Cats both males and females, but especially them, They mark a lot what is theirs and one way to do it is with urine. His urine for us gives off a strong and unpleasant smell, but for them it is something else and it is that it contains a high level of pheromones that helps them to identify themselves, attract each other or to achieve the opposite effect by distancing potential competitors. In the urine they know if it is a male or a female and can even tell if it is an adult or not. In addition, in the case of the tagging of females, they identify males when they are in heat, among other things that can only communicate with urine.
  • Maybe for them your sandbox is too close to your feeding area and since they are very clean, they do not accept using the sandbox and urinate in more distant places.
  • Another reason, is that do not find your litter box clean enough because I already have some accumulated stools and urine. It may be stress for some new situation that they have not yet been able to adapt to.
  • Maybe the problem is the type of sand we use. Cats are very sensitive with their tastes for things, so it may be that do not like the smell or texture of the sand we use for your box.
  • We will have to look at more symptoms, but sometimes this behavior is due to some kind of disease.
  • If you have several cats, you may do not like to share the sandbox with your classmates, so we must minimally have a sandbox for each cat or more.

How can we prevent cats from urinating outside the sandbox?

It is possible to avoid and rectify this behavior in domestic felines. Here we present a series of guidelines to prevent your cat urinating out of place:

  • If you do not want your cat to relieve itself inside the house and have outdoor land for your friend to come out, try have a cat door so you can enter and leave home whenever you need it He thinks that if he does not have access to the area in which he normally makes his needs, he will end up doing them where he can. We remember that in cases of cats that go outside we must have them properly identified with a microchip and a collar for cats with identification badge, so in case of getting lost we will recover it more easily.
  • Checkthat your cat’s litter box is clean enough. As we have said before, they are very neat animals so if they consider that their sandpit is too full they will not want to enter it and will end up doing their needs where they can.
  • If you have several cats and a sandbox are not satisfied, it is not surprising, because many do not like to share this space and will choose to find a corner. The solution in this simple case is have a sandbox for each cat.
  • Maybe we should relocate the sandbox in another area of ​​the house, it could be that if you are in the same room or very close to the food area where they have their food and water, choose not to do your needs so close and look elsewhere. So if we relocate the sandbox it may be enough to solve the problem.
  • We must check that it is not the sand we use for the box. If our cat dislikes the texture or the perfumed smell of the cat litter that we use in his sandbox, he will easily stop using it and will look for more comfortable corners for him. So, we must change the type or brand of sand that we buy and check if this was the cause of our cat’s urination disorder.
  • If due to other symptoms you suspect that it may be some kind of disease, do not hesitate for a moment, go to your trusted veterinarian so that he can carry out the necessary tests on your peludin and thus be able to treat him as soon as possible. A very common disease in this case are the crystals in the urinary tract. This problem is good to detect as soon as possible because it will be much easier to solve, the longer we take the more aggravated the problem will be and other secondary ones will appear. As the disease is cured, the problem of urine out of place will also be corrected.
  • There may have been some recent change, however small, in the life of our cat that is causing stress. One of the most frequent symptoms in the stress of cats is this disorder in urination, they are disoriented and nervous. Procure locate what is causing stress in your partner and see if you can withdraw or change this situation. In case of not being able to change we should try to get the cat to become familiar with positive reinforcement, in addition to going to the veterinarian in case you can recommend something effective to reduce stress to our cat.
  • In case of marking of the territory, sterilization usually reduces or eliminates this behavior. Females sterilized as they will no longer go into heat will not need to claim the males and the castrated males will not look for females in heat nor will they need to mark their territory so effusively with strong odors.
  • One way to reeducate your cat so that it can use the sandbox again, having first solved the problem of origin, be it stress, illness or whatever, is go placing boxes of sand in the points where you have been marking in the house.
  • Another very used and effective method are cat pheromones like Feliway sold in spray and diffuser. Pheromones help reduce or eliminate stress in our friend in addition to providing a known smell. The diffuser should be plugged into the area where our cat normally stays for most hours, for example in the dining room, the living room or in our room. Instead the spray should be sprayed in areas where our partner has marked with urine. First we must clean these marked areas with water and alcohol and let them dry. We will not use products with strong odors such as bleach and ammonia. Then spray these areas with pheromone spray daily. The effects can begin to be noticed in the first week but a month of daily use is recommended before knowing if it is having the desired effect or not. Nowadays, in many veterinary clinics, the Feliway pheromone diffuser is used permanently, since cats that need to be visited in the clinic suffer less stress.
  • When we see that our furry partner is using the sandbox for his needs instead of continuing to mark corners of the house, we must wait for it to finish and then reward him with a little play or mimes while still near the sandbox. With cats it usually does not work in this case to reward them with food since they do not like to gather the area of ​​their needs with food, so we will opt for positive reinforcement with pampering and games. So little by little we will reinforce the idea that using the sandbox is good.

Remember that before a disorder of this type the first thing we must verify is that our cat is not sick. Once discarded the disease or already treated, as we can see it is relatively simple to recover the proper behavior of using the sandbox. Of course, we must arm ourselves with patience because it is a process of recovery and learning.

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