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How to teach a cat to use the scraper?

If you have a cat and a sofa, you will probably need a scraper to prevent the last one from being shredded. You do not need an especially large or expensive one, with cheap and homemade options you can achieve a fantastic scraper.

In this article we give you the keys to teach a cat to use the scraperWhether it’s an adult or a puppy, everyone can learn at a different pace, of course.

Stop suffering for your furniture and fabrics and teach your cat once and for all to use the scraper, let’s go there:

Choose the appropriate scraper

You must know that there are many different types of scrapers in the market, finding the ideal for your cat is not always easy but with some tricks you can know which is the most indicated for him.

Make a homemade scraper

To start educating your cat in the use of the scraper you will need to elaborate or buy one. There are many types and varieties of scrapers but remember, it does not matter if you get a cheap one that you find on offer, your cat will be happy with little.

However you should know that with very little you can do much, in we have a super complete article in which we explain how to make a homemade scraper step by step. You will find in the post all the advice to carry it out and the necessary material.

How to teach you how to use the scraper

Scratching is a ancestral and innate custom that the cats carry out. It’s not just for sharpen your nails, with which they must hunt their prey, also serves to impregnate the furniture with their body odor. It is one more way of mark your territory.

It is important to teach our cat to use the scraper if we want to prevent our furniture from being destroyed, frayed and broken. The The vast majority of cats learn by themselves to use the scraper but not in other cases we will have to guide our cat to do it. Here are some useful tips:

  • Where to put the scraper: If your cat seems to have a penchant for scratching a particular piece of furniture or sofa, that will be the ideal place to place it.
  • Encourage your cat to use it: Put a ball, duster or mouse hanging from the scraper will be a great way to encourage your feline to approach and grope the new object, which will come by pure curiosity and fun.

In principle, your cat should start using the scraper naturally because for them the fact of filing the nails is pleasant and very beneficial.

What if he does not want to use the scraper?

Some cats seem to refuse to use the scraper that you have brought with so much love. Do not despair, your cat Needs more time to understand its operation, nothing happens, it is usual. If your cat seems not to be interested at all you can use some tricks:

  • Impregna the scraper with its smell: Rub your blanket against the scraper so that your cat feels it as his own and has the natural instinct to rub against it.
  • The trick of the grass for cats: If your cat seems to like the catnip Do not hesitate to place it near the scraper and even to rub the grass against it.
  • Join the game: In the previous step we advised you to play with the scraper and the cat at the same time. In this way not only do you have fun together, you also stimulate him to use it and relate it in a positive way.
  • Use the post reinforcement: Every time you observe him approaching or filing his nails in the scraper you must congratulate him. A piece of frankfurt, a few caresses or kind words will be more than enough for your cat to understand that you like it.
  • Do not let him scratch the furniture: If your cat is still a puppy, when observing him scratching another piece of furniture you must take it and take it directly to the scraper.
  • Get another scraper: Sometimes the scraper design itself does not like it. You can get one that can adhere to the sofa to simulate the same shape and avoid destroying your furniture.

Follow these tips more or less regularly and always with great patience and affection, something that all animals need. Being abrupt, using physical force or not devoting enough time to the education of our cat is a serious mistake, keep that in mind.

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