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Benefits of olive oil for cats

After many studies, olive oil has come to be considered a “superfood” ie a food that has a large amount of nutrients that, in addition, if necessary for the proper functioning of the body, are excellent providing multiple benefits additional These food heroes have the characteristic of being unprocessed natural foods.

Therefore, any person or creature that consumes olive oil (quality) will be taking supplements of “good health”. Just as human beings are interested in being in the best conditions, we can always extend this special interest to our pet.

Let’s talk in this article, about the benefits of olive oil for cats. You will see how besides being a rich option to include in your cat’s diet, it will improve and boost your good health.

Can you give olive oil to a cat?

Feed our pet in a way nutritious and healthy It is a commitment, but you will surely see very positive results, not only in the cat’s health but also in his state of mind. Let’s see why we recommend olive oil for your pet:

  • It has the ability to be a powerful antioxidant, thanks to a large part of its components such as polyphenols (bio-synthesized compounds of plants), vitamin E and chlorophyll. All these nutrients help to boost and improve the immune system.
  • Has good monounsaturated fats, which reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Burns and metabolizes fats very efficiently.
  • It facilitates the loss of weight of the cat thanks to those same monounsaturated fats that decompose the fats inside their same cell. This is very important because one of the reasons for higher mortality in cats is obesity since they suffer from a stroke of overweight producing a stroke.

Foods like olive oil, which have flavors and fruity, fresh and natural feeling are always Nice for the taste of a cat, in addition to having incredible contributions to the health of your pet, especially if the oil is extra virgin.

A natural treatment for constipation, hydration and hairballs

Is one of the best Natural medicine for constipation in cats. Cats suffer a lot with this problem, which seems simple but can be problematic and even cause death. It is an excellent natural laxative for cats.

Constipation can be both mild and chronic. If your cat is constipated and has difficulty defecating, it is because his diet does not contain enough fiber and his digestive system is not working properly. As a remedy you can give olive oil, which will stimulate bowel movements and make feces more liquid and easy to discard.

In addition, it is excellent for improving the shine and softness of your cat’s fur thanks to its moisturizing properties. Likewise, it delays aging, you see, now there are facial creams with olive oil.

Include a bit of this “super food” in your pet’s feed, it is a great solution for those cats that suffer the dreaded hairballs, in which case it can also be combined with the use of paraffin oil for cats or malt for cats.

How to give olive oil to your cat?

Olive oil, besides having pure positive properties for the health of your cat, is an economical food and you can get it at any supermarket or organic food store.

It will be enough to include, at least, 3 times per week a spoonful of oil in your pet’s feed. Mix it so that the oil is absorbed by the food, do not get lost in the dish and you can do your job well. You do not have to add more amount.

If you want to read more articles similar to Benefits of olive oil for cats, we recommend that you enter in our section of balanced diets.

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