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Why does my cat have a lot of gas?

Did you know that flatulence or intestinal gas Are they very common in all mammals? Therefore, we can also observe this phenomenon in our cat, which does not always indicate that there is a problem in the digestive system, since in many cases it is a normal process.

Many times the owners are aware of this situation when the gases are malodorous, and if they occur frequently, it is important to pay special attention to our cat in order to improve the functioning of their organism. If you have lived this situation with your pet, you have probably asked yourself, Why does your cat have a lot of gas? This is the doubt that we solve in the following article.

Gas symptoms in cats

In cats, approximately 99% of intestinal gases are odorless, this means that it is not easy to notice when our pet is having digestive problems. However, with enough attention we can see that the excess of gases is usually accompanied by other symptoms, mainly the following:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Swollen abdomen
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach noises
  • Weight loss
  • Problems in the intestinal transit

Obviously these symptoms are not exclusive of an excess of gases, therefore if you observe them in your cat we recommend that you take it as soon as possible to the veterinarian, both to know if your cat has gases and to determine the exact cause of the rest of symptoms .

Why does flatulence occur in cats?

The gases are produced by the bacteria that live naturally in the intestinal tract of the cat and when they are excessive the most frequent cause is feeding. It is very important that the cat’s diet is adequate, since when his diet is based on products such as wheat, soy or corn, his digestive system is not prepared to metabolize this type of nutrients. The same happens when an adult cat with lactose intolerance is given milk or dairy products, the gases do not take long to arrive.

The cat It is mainly carnivorous and if it is fed with feed it must be a balanced and specific food for its nutritional requirements, although we must not forget that changes in feed can not occur suddenly, as this would also cause gas in the cat and various digestive problems.

A cat that Eat with stress or compete for food with another cat, it will ingest the food very quickly and this will also cause flatulence.

Another common cause is hairballs that can form in the stomach of the cat and influence the proper functioning of the digestive system, although we must not mention other possible pathological causes such as intestinal parasites, irritable bowel syndrome or dysfunction of the pancreas.

What to do if my cat has a lot of gas?

The main treatment for excess gas in cats goes through improve your diet, although even more important is prevention. For this, it is important to brush the hair of the cat and minimize the risk of forming balls, as well as promoting an active lifestyle.

There are some medications to relieve gas, some of them very natural, such as activated charcoal, however, must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

You must also supervise what your cat eats, since it could be possible that it went to the garbage can, which would cause it to eat food in poor condition and cause gas. As we said, your diet should be balanced, and if we observe that the feed is not the most suitable food for our furry companion, we can go to homemade diets, such as the BARF diet for cats.

If the gases in your cat do not diminish it is important that you go to the veterinarian, since behind them they can hide serious underlying situations that only a specialist can diagnose.

This article is merely informative, in .com we do not have the faculty to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in case of any type of condition or discomfort.

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