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What to do if my cat vomits

Occasional vomiting is a pretty common problem in the cat and it does not have to be serious. But if these vomits become more frequent they can be the symptom of a more serious pathology and you have to take your cat to a veterinarian immediately.

The vomit is a reflex act that causes the active elimination through the mouth of the digestive content, especially of the food that is in the stomach. It is important not to confuse the vomit of regurgitation, which is a passive rejection, without active contractions of the abdomen, undigested food or saliva.

If you want to know how to act discover in what to do if my cat vomits:

Emergency gestures

If your cat is vomiting and his level of consciousness is altered, watch it and be careful that there is no passage of digestive content into the respiratory tract. Move it away from the digestive material expelled, clean the mouth and respiratory tract so that it does not get clogged, being careful not to bite or scratch you.

If the cat that vomits is adult and in good health, without any other symptoms and not dehydrated, you can put Diet from 12 to 24 hours, give water in small quantities little by little. But beware, in certain circumstances, a prolonged fast is bad, especially in cats that suffer from obesity. Discover how to make a soft diet for cats.

In any case monitor the state of your cat during 24 to 48 hours after the episode of vomiting. If you vomit again or if your cat’s general condition worsens, Take it to your veterinarian for emergencies.

Act according to the cause

Observe the rejected content is important to determine the severity and allows you to guide your veterinarian on the cause. The contents expelled may be: undigested food, gastric fluid, bile fluid (yellow or greenish), blood (bright red or brown if it is digested blood), foreign bodies, plants, trichobezoars (hairballs).

Hair balls

One of the most common causes is the formation of tricobezaores or more commonly known as hairballs: when grooming your cat engorges a large amount of hair that then forms a ball in your digestive system, it is usually expelled in the form of vomit. To solve this type of vomit you can cepillar to your cat, remember that it is especially important to make a good brushing in the long hair breeds, you can also give valerian to your cat, Valerian is a plant that your cat can eat and helps it to purge itself.

He ate very fast

It may be simply because your cat has eaten too much too quickly and your stomach has not had time to digest the food and needs to expel it. If the food has not reached the stomach but only the esophagus before expelling it, it is about regurgitation. In any case if your cat eats too fast you must ration the food and give it small portions but more frequent, watching that he eats calmly chewing correctly.


Another cause of vomiting in cats is the Stress: cats are very sensitive animals to change, whether it is a change of environment or a change in food, this can put them in a state of light or severe stress. If you have moved, have recently done work in your home, have changed your food or have recently acquired another pet, your cat may be stressed and that is the cause of their vomiting. To help your cat you can make sure you have a safe space and quiet in which to take refuge when you want to be calm, as for the food cats prefer to eat 15 to 20 small servings a day: leave your daily amount at free disposal. If you can not help your stressed cat you can consult a behavioral veterinarian who can advise you to use pheromones or other medications for your cat.

Intolerance to any food

If it is frequent vomiting with or without diarrhea, without loss of appetite or other symptoms, the cause may be a food intolerance or a gastritis acute or chronic If you think that is the cause, you can put your cat in 24 fasting hours and if you keep vomiting you should take it to your veterinarian to make a diagnosis and to your cat an adequate treatment. If you are going to put your cat on an empty stomach 24 hours watch it a lot because the absence of food too long can cause changes in the nefarious intestinal flora, so be very cautious, it would always be best to call your veterinarian first before making any changes.

An intoxication

Another cause can be a poisoning: try to think if your cat has ingested an abnormal food that was not intended, if you suspect a poisoning call your veterinarian immediately and explain the situation, I can advise you specifically according to the type of toxicosis. Discover some of the toxic plants for cats and discard that you can have it in your home.

Another more serious pathology

If episodes of vomiting are accompanied by other symptoms such as loss of appetite, fever, bloody diarrhea, constipation, the cause is probably a more serious pathology: may be due to parasites, diabetes, leukemia or cancer. Write down all the symptoms to help your veterinarian in his diagnosis.

It is always useful to take the temperature of your cat, ideally should not exceed the 39 degrees, watch your cat well to detect possible neurological disorders such as dizziness, convulsions, alterations of consciousness. An increased thirst, recent jealousy in a cat or urinary disorders are important elements to diagnose the cause of vomiting.

This article is merely informative, in .com we do not have the faculty to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in case of any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to What to do if my cat vomits, we recommend that you enter in our section of intestinal problems.

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