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Strabismus in cats

Some cats can suffer from strabismus, it is an unusual condition but it often affects Siamese cats.

This anomaly does not affect good vision of the feline, even gives it a fun look, but it is a palpable example of a mediocre parental line. It is a warning to the breeder, since future litters can suffer more serious injuries if they insist on breeding with defective specimens.

If you continue reading this post, it will point out the main causes and treatment of strabismus in cats.

Types of strabismus

There are four basic types of strabismus, although they can be combined with each other:

The cat affected by strabismus should be visited by the vet. He will assess whether this strabismus affects the correct vision of the cat, or can lead a normal life with it.

Usually cats affected by strabismus since birth have no vision problems. However, if a cat with normal vision suffers an episode of strabismus, it is necessary to take it to the veterinarian so that it evaluates the problem arisen in the eyes of the cat and offers a remedy.

Causes of strabismus in cats

Congenital strabismus

The congenital strabismus is when the strabismus is of birth, product of a poor genealogical line. It is the most common cause of strabismus in cats. It does not usually cause greater problems than the simply aesthetic.

This type of strabismus can occur in all cat breeds, but among Siamese cats it is usually found in a higher percentage.

Anomalous optic nerve

An alteration or malformation in the feline optic nerve can be the cause of its strabismus. If the malformation is congenital it is not worrisome in excess.

If the anomaly is acquired (the cat had normal eyesight), and suddenly the cat acquires a strabismic look, it must be taken immediately to the veterinarian.

A inflammation, infection or trauma in the optic nerve can be the cause of sudden cat strabismus. The veterinary professional will diagnose the cause and propose the most convenient solution.

Extraocular muscles

The extraocular muscles are sometimes the cause of strabismus in cats. The alteration or congenital malformation of these muscles is not serious, since animals are born that way and can lead a totally normal life.

As with the optic nerve, if there is a lesion or disease in the extraocular muscles of the cat, which suddenly produces some type of strabismus, you should go immediately to the veterinarian to examine and treat the cat. Sometimes it will be necessary to practice surgery to the cat.

How to know what kind of strabismus my cat has?

The most common position of the eyes in cats affected by congenital strabismus is the convergent strabismus (Esotropia). It happens when both eyes converge towards the center.

When the eyes diverge towards the outside, it is called divergent strabismus (Exotropia) The dogs carlinos usually have this type of strabismus.

El dorsal strabismus (Hypertrophy), is when one eye, or both, have a tendency to be located upward, partially hiding the iris under the upper eyelid.

El ventral strabismus (Hypotropia) is when one eye, or both, permanently looks down.

Treatment of strabismus in cats

Usually if the cat suffering from strabismus is in good health, the veterinarian will not advise us any treatment. Although aesthetically it may seem worrisome, cats suffering from strabismus can lead a totally normal life and happy.

The most serious cases, that is to say, those that happen due to acquired causes or that can not lead a natural life rhythm, will have to undergo a Surgical treatment for a better quality of life. The specialist will determine if the case of your cat in particular needs a treatment and if so, will advise you what measures we can adopt.

This article is merely informative, in .com we do not have the faculty to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in case of any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Strabismus in cats, we recommend that you enter in our section of Other health problems.

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