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My cat has black dandruff – Causes

It is possible that, caressing our cat, we observe the presence of a kind of dandruff, balls or small black dots that can appear in different parts of your body. In this article, we will explain what common causes can cause a cat to have black dandruff and what we can do to correct the problem. As we will see, the normal thing is that this black dandruff does not suppose a serious ailment but, even so, it is going to need that we take veterinary measures for its solution. Keep reading and discover why your cat has black dandruff.

The importance of keeping cat hair in good condition

Although cats are animals that dedicate a good amount of time to their grooming every day and even to their peers, it is a good idea that we also integrate their brushing into our routine of care. The mantle of cats It fulfills important functions, such as preserving felines from the weather, high and low temperatures, or isolating them from possible injuries such as wounds or insect bites. Therefore it is no small task to keep it in good condition, it is advisable to brush it frequently to facilitate the elimination of dead hair, especially if we live with a long-haired cat. For this, we recommend reviewing the article on “Recommendations to brush a cat’s hair”.

Also, every time we pet our cat we have the opportunity to Look closely at the appearance of your skin and of your hair, with which we will be able to detect any problem, such as areas without hair, wounds or dandruff, and we can consult with our veterinarian. Only inadequate nutrition, but also problems such as poor intestinal absorption, can make the hair look off and with dandruff. If our cat has black dandruff, the most frequent causes are those that we will explain in the following sections.

Black dandruff in cats due to external parasites

If the cat has black dandruff, we can face the presence of fleas. These external parasites are hematophagous, that is, they feed on the blood of our cat, which will feel its sting. As our cats are scrupulous with their hygiene it is quite common that, cleaning themselves, they locate fleas and ingest them. Therefore, even if we do not see the fleas at first sight, it is possible that we can locate a black dandruff, pellets or grit between the fur and on the skin. If we take a sample and put it on a piece of paper and drop a drop of water on it, we will see that this caspilla will fall apart like blood, because it is the flea droppings, therefore, composed of digested blood. If our cat has black things on the hair in any part of the body, it is most likely fleas.

To combat these unpleasant insects we must contact our veterinarian to prescribe the most suitable antiparasitic to the circumstances of our cat, since we have a wide range in the market. Although our cat does not have access to the outside, we ourselves could bring fleas if we are in contact with other animals or if our cat lives with dogs that go out for a walk and interact in certain areas where it usually ends up with a high concentration of these parasites .

If we discover in our cat a large infestation we can resort to products that end with fleas in a matter of hours, but we have to know that the visible fleas are only a small part of those that will be found in the environment, in the form of eggs or pupa. Therefore, to eradicate them, we have to treat the cat but also its environment, especially the places where it sleeps or spends more time. Aspirate house and beds or sofas or washing the blankets that the cat uses are other measures that help control fleas. Once we manage to rid our cat of parasites we must implement, following the advice of our veterinarian, a deworming calendar adapted to the living conditions of our feline companion. It is very important to control fleas, as they can cause considerable discomfort, especially if our cat is allergic to its bite. In these cases, it is the saliva of the flea that causes a reaction that can be triggered from a single bite.

Feline acne, cause of black dandruff in cats

If our cat has black dandruff fundamentally in the chin we can face a case of acne. This dermatological condition can occur in cats of all ages and usually does not present more symptoms than those black balls on the chin. Is the result of an inflammatory disorder It affects the hair follicles and is complicated by a secondary infection. It can also appear on the lips.

The black spots that we will be able to find at the beginning of this condition can turn into papules and pustules. Therefore, we must visit our veterinarian so that it is he who confirms the diagnosis and prescribes the most appropriate treatment, which will be of topical application. In the most severe cases, the area may appear edematized and it also produces pruritus, with the consequent discomfort for our cat.

This article is merely informative, in .com we do not have the faculty to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in case of any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to My cat has black dandruff – Causes, we recommend you to enter in our Skin Problems section.

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