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Glaucoma in cats – Causes, symptoms and treatment

El glaucoma is a degenerative ocular pathology It can affect the eyes of our pussycat, causing the progressive loss of the sense of vision. While it can affect any feline, whether they are mestizos or of a defined breed, it is usually more common among older cats.

In general, glaucoma progresses silently in the body of cats, showing unspecific symptoms at the beginning. Therefore, it is essential that the tutors are very attentive to any alteration in the behavior of their cats, and immediately go to the veterinary clinic in front of an unusual observation. In this new article, you will be able to know the symptoms, the causes and the glaucoma treatment in cats.

What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a clinical picture characterized by excessive accumulation of aqueous humor and progressive increase Intraocular pressure. Ocular hypertension accelerates the degeneration of the retina and the optic nerve, so glaucoma can cause blindness or partial loss of vision. Next, we tell you better how this phenomenon occurs.

The anterior portion of the eye, which is partially visible, is formed by the iris (the colored part), the pupil (central black circle), the sclera (the white part), the drainage channels, and the ciliary bodies. The ciliary bodies are responsible for the production of a transparent liquid called intraocular fluid (or aqueous humor), which lubricates and protects the anterior portion of the eye. If the external ocular structure was dry, it would be vulnerable to a series of lesions or irritations due to contact with impurities, microorganisms or with the same eyelashes. In a healthy eye, we identify a balanced wetting and drainage mechanism, which constitutes a dynamic circulation system. The aqueous humor is expelled through the pupil to then be redirected to the drainage channels, and conducted to the bloodstream.

When the drainpipes are plugged, they generate the obstruction of the system fluid circulation intraocular. As a result, the aqueous humor accumulates, leading to increased pressure inside the eye. And this is how the clinical picture known as glaucoma develops.

Symptoms of glaucoma in cats

Glaucoma is a silent disease that affects very similar to cats, dogs and humans. Their first symptoms are usually general and not very specific, making them difficult to recognize in cats. Many tutors only perceive some anomaly when the eye of its minimum shows a blurred appearance or win a bluish hue or grayish, with an obvious pupillary dilation. Others arrive at the veterinary clinic reporting that their cats began to walk in an unusual way, collapsing or hitting with household objects. In these instances, it is likely that the cat has lost much of its vision, which explains its difficulty in recognizing obstacles in its path.

To enable early diagnosis of glaucoma, it is important to be alert to your cat’s body language to quickly recognize any changes in its expression or behavior. The first signs of glaucoma in cats They are:

  • Sensitivity in the eyes and in the ocular region.
  • Headaches (probably, the cat will not like to be touched on the head or near his eyes).
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Formation of a bluish halo around the iris.
  • Blurred appearance in the pupil and in the iris.
  • Dilated pupils.
  • Irregular walking and difficulty of spatial localization.
  • Behavioral changes: the cat can hide more frequently, avoid contact with his tutors and other animals, or react negatively to being touched in the eye region and in his head.

Causes of glaucoma in cats

Feline glaucoma it can be primary or secondary, depending on the cause that causes it. Like all degenerative diseases, glaucoma has an important genetic load. However, this degenerative process can also be produced by another underlying disease. The inflammations ophthalmologic infections, such as uveitis, cataracts and neoplasms, are among the most frequent causes of acute glaucoma in cats. In addition, eye injuries due to street fights, traumas or accidents can trigger an infectious process that favors the development of feline glaucoma.

When glaucoma develops as a result of trauma or an underlying condition, it is considered secondary or acute, whereas when it occurs due to genetic or malformation, it is primary.

Treatment of glaucoma in cats

The treatment of glaucoma in cats will depend on the cause, the state of health and the level of evolution of the degenerative process in each animal. It should be noted that the progress of glaucoma can be stopped, but it is not possible to recover the lost vision. Usually, the veterinarian will administer a eye drop to restore the ocular drainage system and balance the concentration of aqueous humor. Medications may also be used anti-inflammatories or analgesics to relieve headache and eye sensitivity. If an underlying disease is diagnosed, treatment should also consider it.

When the degenerative process is more advanced, the veterinarian may recommend a surgical intervention to artificially drain the intraocular cavity, using laser technology.

Is it possible to prevent glaucoma in cats?

We can not intervene in the genetic inheritance of our pigs, but we can offer them an adequate preventive medicine, a positive environment and the necessary care to help them strengthen their immune system and preserve their good health. For this, it is essential to provide them with a balanced diet and keep them physically and mentally stimulated throughout their lives. Also remember to make periodic visits to the veterinarian every 6 months, in addition to respecting your letter of vaccination and periodic deworming. And do not hesitate to call immediately on the professional of your confidence to identify any change in the appearance or behavior of your cat.

This article is merely informative, in .com we do not have the faculty to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in case of any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Glaucoma in cats – Causes, symptoms and treatment, we recommend that you enter in our section of Eye Problems.

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