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Care of a freshly sterilized cat

Currently it is advised sterilize cats of both genders to prevent their unbridled reproduction, frequent escapes from home, whose dangerous consequences are often fights, accidents, and even the premature death of the feline.

For the aforementioned reasons, in this article we will instruct you in the care of a freshly sterilized cat, so that your feline is happy in your home after the surgical intervention.

Do you want to know everything your newly sterilized cat needs? Everything you need to know below:

Responsible measure

On many occasions we feel responsible, and even guilty when taking this measure so drastic that affects for life the sexuality of our cat or cat. But it is an irrevocable option that will improve and lengthen life of our beloved pet. And these are just some of the advantages of sterilizing a cat.

We are taking a responsible decision for the benefit of our cats, which will avoid many problems to them, and many dislikes to us.

The intervention

The surgery should be done by a veterinarian. The cat will be sedated with total anesthesia.

After the postoperative period it should be avoided that the cat or the cat tries to remove the stitches. The veterinary professional will instruct us in the best way to do it, and will ideally prepare the wound of the animal to minimize the risk. We must pay attention to the instructions of the veterinarian and follow all his advice to the letter.

Perhaps for some hours the cat or the cat should carry a cone or Elizabethan collar to prevent him from putting his mouth close to the wound. It is essential to prevent the cat from scratching the wound. I assure you that they do not like to carry this device, but sometimes it is essential because the cat will try to lick the wound and tear off the stitches.

It is also very convenient for the convalescent cat to be calm and move as little as possible to begin his recovery. If there is a favorite place in the house, put it there. For a few days we will have to spoil him, although it is very possible that it is hostile. We must not forget the discomfort of the wound and the deep metabolic changes that will suddenly occur in the organism of the feline.

After a few hours after the procedure, the cat can eat if it has an appetite. The intake of food and drink should be cut in half. As the animal will be uncomfortable and aching it will be convenient for three or four days supply moist food. And even, if we wish, we can prepare a delicious homemade fish recipe to try to cheer him up.

In the future it will be the veterinarian, depending on the age and characteristics of the cat, who should offer you a correct feeding pattern. Neutered cats are prone to obesity. Therefore, your correct new feeding will be determined by the veterinarian depending on the circumstances. In the market of more levels there are specific feed for sterilized cats.

Observe and control the hairy patient

You should be attentive to evolution and recovery of your cat.

Any anomalous thing that you detect: vomiting, bleeding from the wound or in the stool, diarrhea, total lack of appetite, or any other unusual behavior, you should consult with the veterinarian without delay.

The cat will be convalescing for a few days, and it will not be unusual for it to have some strange or unusual behavior.

Total tranquility

The convalescent cat must remain calm and serene for about ten or twelve days. Therefore, you should not travel or contact any new pet. If there is more than one cat in the home keep him separated for a few days to prevent him from licking his partner’s wound.

Y fervent adviceKeep your windows, balconies or other dangerous places in your home closed, that your cat will visit and wander through them regularly before surgery. The operation reduces your strength and the usual jumps and balances can fail and cause the fall to the vacuum of your newly sterilized cat.

This article is merely informative, in .com we do not have the faculty to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in case of any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Care of a freshly sterilized cat, we recommend that you enter in our section of Other health problems.

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