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Sokoke cat: Breed Personality, Behavior Facts and Characteristics, Health Care Info

Sokoke Cat is a wild, medium-sized breed with short hair. Originally from the rainforests of East Africa.

Photos and Images of Sokoke or African Shorthair cats

In this section you can find pictures of the Sokoke cat or african shorthair. Click on the image to see it in full resolution.

What is a Sokoke Cat?

Sokoke cat or african shorthair cat It is a short-haired breed with a wild instinct. A feline that likes to stay in the branch of the trees; they are animals with the instinct of a hunter, because they need open and wide spaces to manifest their energy.

This cat is sokoke is medium size, athletic and slender, with characteristic brindle coat.

What is the origin of the Sokoke Cat?

Cat breeds sokoke is native to one of the rainforest Sokoke-Arabuke in East Africa in Kenya. In ancient times, they were one of the elements of the diet of the Giriama tribe. The name Giriama for Sokoke is “Katzonzo,” meaning: “it looks like a tree beat.” According to local information, these cats have lived there for many years, but it is not known with certainty where or when this breed comes from. of cats.

In 1978 Jeni Slater, she found some babies casually in a coconut plantation and took them away. In 1984 a friend of his called Gloria Moeldrop took this species to Denmark, in order to preserve the breed for fear of extinction in its place of origin.

It was at 1993 when the FIFe recognized the breed, in the same way the TICA, CCA and GCCF. Only a small number of these cats lives today in Europe and America.

The Genome of the Cat project has determined that the Sokoke is one of the twelve Feline Racial Groups existing today.

What are the most characteristic Common Sokoke Cat or African Shorthair?

The sokoke cat has a wild or ocelot aspect, although it has nothing to do with it. It is tabby, but their stripes are particular. Thick strokes are usually formed on your body, forming beautiful patterns.

Size: sokoke cats have a medium size.

Weight: The weight is of 3.5 to 4.5 kilograms

Body: It is medium, thin, muscular and elegant.

Eyes: They are large, almond shaped and oblique. Amber and light green.

Nose: It is wide, straight and of medium length.

Ears: They are medium-sized, broad-based and finely tuned. With some desirable brushes.

Head: of small in proportion to the body. It has a wedge shape, flat on the upper part, strong chin and well defined.

Extremities: The legs are long, firm and muscular with the hind legs slightly longer than the front legs

Tail: It is medium to long, with the pattern of body drawing. Widener base and wide dark rings.

Fur: It is short, bright, soft to the touch.

Coat color: The representative pattern is the tabby brown blotched, characterized by the presence of lines or brown or black marks with a dark background. The tip of the tail is also black.

Litter: from 2 to 4 offspring.

How is the character and behavior of a Sokoke Cat?

This pussycat is a feline active and agile. He loves games, in addition to climbing, running and jumping with his owners and other pets. Also the cat sokoke have a quiet personality, adapt to different homes, can accept living with children and other pets. They are not aggressive or cunningThey do not fear water but do not like to get wet.

Es expressive, You will enjoy the care and attention of those who attend to your needs. They have a temperament playful and are tireless, intelligent and empathic. They will always be behind their master throughout the house, they also know how to perceive the mood of the people. An interesting feature, is that they are very sociable, because they are the first to receive the guests of the house.

They are very cats emotive, through their body or meows they can express themselves with their masters and other pets. They know how to create strong bonds with their owners.

Something interesting about the behavior of these animals is their relationship with the new litters of kittens. The females usually take to wean the sokoke babies several months later than normal. Breastfeeding can last around three months. Many times the male usually takes the place of the female.

How much does a Sokoke Cat live?

Life expectancy of the cat Sokoke is similar to most domestic cats, being able to live among the 12 to 15 years.

How to care for a Sokoke Cat?

Having a sokoke cat does not involve special care, it is simply giving it the attention it deserves. Providing your time in games, exercising regularly and brushing a week will suffice. The company of the people is also important, having access to external spaces will help the kitten live happily.

Due to the short and sparse fur of this feline, you must protect it from low temperatures. In winter time, you should foresee the respective care. It is a little difficult for a feline of this breed to acclimatize to countries with a climate with low temperatures.

Always take care that both feeders and drinkers are impeccable and clean, thus avoiding a bacterial disease.

What does a Sokoke Cat eat?

The Sokoke cat is a pretty strong breed and inherits all those wild qualities; You can eat any food because of its natural origin.

It needs, like other cats, a nutritious calorie intake, because it is a race that spends a lot of energy. Provides quality protein-rich food, both dry and moist. Consider that this feline takes to reach sexual maturity and its development is slower than other cats. The puppy food will last much longer.

Obesity is not characteristic of this breed, but you must take care if your cat is sterilized, it may be prone to being obese. If the case occurs you must provide low calorie food to correct the problem.

Without being especially selective in their diet, they love fish so do not hesitate to reward your kitten.

What diseases are the most common in the Sokoke Cat?

As it was seen in the previous points, the African Shorthair is natural, which allows it to not have genetic diseases.

These animals lived in warm lands in Kenya, and 25 years ago were imported to Europe; where it cost them to adapt to frigid climates. That is why They are very sensitive to complications like colds, that’s why you should give the respective care especially when they are puppies.

On the other hand, as this feline likes to go outside, it is exposed to attacks by insects such as ticks and fleas. You should be aware of these anomalies and take them to the veterinarian before any symptoms of these parasites.

Being an athletic breed, the cats of this breed do not usually have problems of overweight.

Curiosities of the Sokoke Cat

In this section we show you some curious facts about these kittens.

  • The name of the cat sokoke comes from its place of origin in Sokoke-Arabuke in East Africa in Kenya.
  • In ancient times, the Sokoke were one of the elements of the diet of the Giriama tribe. The name Giriama for Sokoke is “Katzonzo,” which means: “it looks like a tree beat.”
  • According to local information, there is no certainty as to the origin of this breed, only that these cats have lived for many years in Kenya.
  • In 1993, the FIFe recognized the sokoke race, as well as the TICA, CCA and GCCF
  • Only a small number of these cats live today in Europe and America.

How much does the Sokoke Cat or African Shorthair cost?

This kitten although it is gaining little popularity, but few breeding and people perform their breeding.

To buy a cat of Sokoke or African shorthair you will have to look in many places, although you do not know the exact price, you may be able to buy it for a few 400 to 700 American dollars.

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