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Why does my cat sleep on my pillow?

It’s no secret to anyone cats They are big sleepers. This activity that is the favorite of your feline friend takes between 15 and 16 daily hours, so it is not surprising that you look for comfortable and pleasant places to indulge in the world of dreams.

En We know that many people with cats at home share with them not only their beds, but even their pillows at bedtime. If you want to know why your cat sleeps on your pillow, we invite you to continue reading this article.

1. Search body heat

The corporal temperature of the cats is higher than that of the human being, reaching the 37 degrees centigrade. This means that your pussycat feels cold much more easily, so he will do everything possible to find warm places to lie down and sleep. Have you ever seen him resting on electronic devices, behind a stove or in the area where the sun’s rays are most intense? It is due to this reason.

The same goes for the pleasure you experience when sleeping on your pillow, especially if you share it with you. Certain parts of the human body are at higher temperature than others, and among these is head. So, if you are a cat, what better place to sleep than together (or on) her?

2. He likes your smell

As with many other mammals, smell is one of the most developed senses of the cat. With it you can not only find prey that could become your dinner, but also identify potential enemies and recognize your peers or “relatives”, among other things.

It is obvious that you are very important to your cat, so your smell is on your list of pleasant aromas, because it helps you recognize that person who cares so much about him. That’s why it’s not strange, especially with those people who spend many hours away from home, for the cat to take advantage of your rest hours to cuddle up close to one of its favorite scents.

As if this were not enough, we are sure that more than once you have woken up “washing” your hair, that is, practicing a grooming routine very similar to yours. Do you need another proof that you love to sleep on your pillow?

3. You need to feel safe

Despite domestication, the cat retains many of its natural instincts, among which the survival instinct. This is particularly strong at bedtime, because you need to feel that nothing will happen to you, that no one will attack you while you are delivered in the arms of Morpheus. This behavior is not typical only of the house cats, even the lions have it, translated into their habit of climbing trees at the time of the siesta.

In this way, not only your bed but also your pillow become the best places to sleep, both by the height, and by the fact that you feel safe sleeping there, which the cat interprets as positive. In addition, your single presence makes you feel more protected, not for nothing you are the one who provides the food and who watches over him in all aspects.

4. He wants to spend time with you

Especially if you spend a lot of time away from home, your cat will miss you enough. Even with toys or other furry companions, they will miss the love that their human gives them. For that reason it is completely normal that, for example, they get excited, they maul and jump from one side to the other when you arrive, and that they prefer to sleep by your side, on your same pillow, when you retire to rest. This represents time for you, during which you can share one of your favorite activities: sleep!

5. You are one more of your litter!

Surely you’ve noticed that cats, mostly young, like to sleep some very close to others, literally above forming an adorable mass of hair and soft feet. Some cats continue with this behavior as adults, so if your cat enjoys sleeping next to you, climbing on your torso, your head or your pillow then congratulations! For him you are like another cat, so enjoy doing the things you would usually do with someone of your kind, such as being warm and tender while they sleep.

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