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What does it mean if a cat has its tail up?

There are many sounds that cats emit and their meaning, however, cats mostly use their body language to communicate with us, with other animals and with their environment. Thanks to their body, their postures and facial expressions, our cats transmit their state of mind and their perceptions about their environment.

To help you better interpret the body language of cats, in this article we tell you what does it mean when a cat has its tail up. By understanding their postures and expressions, you can better understand the personality of your pussycat, improve your communication and strengthen your bond with him. Therefore, join us to discover more about these fascinating animals!

The meaning of tail movement in cats

La tail of the cats It is a member that helps them to express themselves, mainly with their feline counterparts, but also with humans and other animals. In short, a cat uses the tail to interact with its environment constantly. But why does the cat move its tail when you caress it? Why do they move the tail when they are lying down? Or why does the cat move its tail when you talk to it?

The different positions of a cat’s tail reveal a lot about its perception of the environment, the emotions it experiences and everything that tries communicate and transmit. A cat with its tail raised expresses something totally different from a feline that shows the drop stuck to the body or bristling, for example.

Each individual is unique

The felines possess a special personality, different from that of other species, but in addition, this can vary enormously depending on the individual in particular. Due to the experiences lived, the period of socialization or other factors, such as genetics, each cat can adopt different postures, expressions and sounds to capture the attention of their tutors, express themselves and communicate with their surroundings. Therefore, it is impossible to write a precise manual of “how to understand cats”, since each individual is unique.

Precisely because it is unique, each feline can have its own “dictionary of feline behavior” which means that to understand your cat well you will need to reserve time on a daily basis to play and share quality moments with him, which will help you Know your personality, observe their concrete behavior and interpret their body language. Still, in a general way you can start discovering the language and communication of cats, which will help you interpret the behavior of your feline in their day to day and know how to recognize their different moods.

Keep reading to find out what it means for a cat to have its tail up.

The cat with its tail up as a sign of well-being

In general, the raised tail is interpreted as a positive posture in the body language of cats, which indicates a state of happiness, relaxation and / or well-being. However, it can express different emotions according to the specific “design” that the tail adopts when raised. To understand exactly what it means for a cat to have its tail up, we must pay attention to other “signals” that its body transmits to us. Next, we summarize the main meanings of the tail raised in cats.

  • Cat with tail up and trembling: if your cat has a raised and trembling tail, it means that your presence generates joy. You will probably see this design on your tail when you return home after your work day, for example. In this way, your feline tries to communicate to you that he is happy to see you and be able to enjoy your company.
  • Tail lifted pointing up (“stretched”): a cat with its tail pointing upwards experiences a moment of tranquility and is friendly. It is very positive that your cat has this tail design at home, because it means that it feels relaxed and safe in its environment and in your presence.
  • Tail up and slightly forward (on the back): when raising its tail in this way, the cats leave exposed their anal glands. We should not interpret this as sexual behavior; It is a friendly gesture that invites interaction. In the “feline world”, cats do this not only to “introduce themselves”, but also to demonstrate trust and complicity with the other individuals in their community. Therefore, when you notice that your cat lifts its tail when you stroke it and then pulls it forward on its back, you can interpret this position as a sign that your pussycat loves your touch and feels comfortable and happy in your company.

The tail up as a question mark

In some occasions, the raised tail of the cat can be interpreted as a question mark, indicating that the pussycat it is not at all safe about something that happens in your environment. It does not mean a positive or negative emotion, but a state of mind in which the cat is intrigued with some stimulus. There are two main “intriguing tails” in cats, as we see to follow:

  • Tail lifted at an angle: this design may appear when the cat perceives some new stimulus in its environment and does not know exactly how to react to it. For example, when an animal or unknown person enters your home for the first time. In these cases, it is important that this first contact be in a positive environment where the feline feels “invited” to exercise his curiosity and explore this new presence at his own time.
  • Tail up with a hook at the tip: this is literally the tail “question mark” in cats. This is a reserved or timid position, but not threatening or angry. Your pussycat is simply not sure about something that happens in his environment and adopts a conciliatory stance.

Tail lifted and bristling: a sign of anger in cats

If your cat has the tail lifted and swollen (the “brush tail”), with thick, bristly hairs, you should be careful because your cat is probably So angry or it feels so scared that can become aggressive if you do not respect their space. In these cases, you can also observe other signs of anger or fear in your body language, such as the ears backwards or sideways, the spine extended and the pupils very dilated.

On the other hand, if your pussycat has a raised tail and very agitated or with spasms, it can also be interpreted as a negative signal. Your cat can adopt this position to express that he is beginning to feel angry or that simply he prefers to be alone and not be bothered at that time. Therefore, it is best to distance yourself for some time or wait for your pussy to be more receptive to play and interact with you.

In addition, if you perceive that your cat is very scared or aggressive, we advise you to take it to your trusted veterinarian to verify your health status and rule out any disease that could cause these behavioral problems. After rule out any organic cause, you can consult with a veterinarian specialized in feline ethology to help you identify the cause of this anomalous behavior and establish a treatment based on specific guidelines according to the needs of your kitten.

If you want to read more articles similar to What does it mean if a cat has its tail up?, we recommend that you enter in our Curiosities section of the animal world.

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