The sandbox of the cat requires a periodic cleaning, since the cats are very demanding animals with hygiene and if their sandbox is not clean they can even refuse to do their necessities in it.
It is possible that at some time dedicated to the cleaning of the sandbox we observe in the feces of our cat small white spots similar to a grain of rice, which also move. In these cases there is no doubt, this is an infestation by gastrointestinal parasites.
These parasites deposit their eggs in the organism they infect and these eggs are expelled through the feces, feces that will come into contact with multiple and varied insects, therefore, if our cat has caught any insect, spider or even rodent, it is very possible that it has been infected with certain parasites, which will continue their reproductive cycle in the intestine of the cat, which explains why we can see worms in the feces.
Some types of parasites can also be transmitted when the cat starts breastfeeding with her young, however, this is not usual.
It is estimated that approximately 45% of cats suffer from an infestation for gastrointestinal parasites, being more frequent the infection originated by the following organisms:
- Round vermes: Tocoscaris Leonina and Toxocara Cati
- Hookworms: Ancylostoma and Uncinaria
- Dirofilaria immitis
The intestinal parasitosis in cats has treatment and is generally not serious, however, a massive infection can cause an intestinal blockage, which will have fatal consequences for the health of our pet. The hygienic measures by people living with a cat infested with parasites should be exhausted, especially when there are children in the home, since these parasites can end up in the human organism.
In this article we show you the steps to follow if your cat defecates worms.
It is possible that when performing the periodic cleaning of the sandbox of your cat you have not noticed the presence of worms in the feces, then, it is important to know what are the clinical signs that can indicate an intestinal parasitosis:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Bad coat
- Loss of appetite
- Bloody stools
- Dark stools
- Bulky belly
If you see any of these symptoms in your cat go to the veterinarian urgently since it is possible that the parasitic infestation is massive.
If cleaning your cat’s sandpit you have been able to clearly observe the presence of worms in the stool, It is very important that you collect a sample, for this you will need to use gloves and equally, you should wash your hands later.
To avoid any contamination of the sample, we recommend that you deposit it in a sterilized plastic container, such as those used for urinalysis.
Take your cat to the veterinarian to have it done a physical examination, it is very important that you also take the stool sample, because only in this way the veterinarian can confirm the diagnosis and also know what kind of parasite is causing the problem, which is of great importance to be able to prescribe an adequate treatment .
Depending on the parasite that is causing the infestation in your cat, the veterinarian will recommend a certain drug, the following being the most used:
- Pamoato de pirantel
- Fenbendozal
- Praziquantel
- Oxibendazole
You need follow all the administration tips and duration of treatment That you from the veterinarian, remember that he is the only person trained to recommend a certain drug.
In addition to administering your cat the pharmacological treatment you should use the following hygienic measures to avoid a new infection in the cat, a contagion to another animal or a contagion to humans:
- Wash your hands frequently
- Constantly monitors the hygiene of children, prevents them from putting their hands to their mouths
- Removes feces from the sandbox frequently
- Thoroughly clean the sandbox, trough, drinking fountain and all cat accessories
- Performs a thorough cleaning of all surfaces of the home
- Avoid the presence of insects and rodents to the greatest extent possible
For prevent gastrointestinal parasites in cats 4 antiparasitic treatment is recommended once a year, however, some people are reluctant because the use of these products repeatedly can cause resistance in certain parasites.
In any case, it is important that you check your cat’s feces at least every 4 months.
Try to maintain optimal hygiene conditions in your home and especially in all the utensils of the cat.
Finally we recommend that you read the following articles on the health of cats, since they will be of great interest and usefulness:
This article is merely informative, in .com we do not have the faculty to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in case of any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to My cat defecates worms, we recommend that you enter in our section of parasitic diseases.