whydoesmycatsneeze E0DDE6D5

Why does my cat sneeze?

A food allergy, tobacco smoke, a virus, a bacteria. anything can be the cause that is causing your cat not to stop sneezing. Like humans, cats sneeze because there are something that irritates your nose.

If it’s an

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whydoesmycatrejectitsyoung 161CADD3

Why does my cat reject its young?

By nature, cats are very good mothers, even when they have the first litter. It is part of their natural instinct of cats, so it is normal that they know how to deal perfectly with their puppies without the

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whydoesmycatlickalot 3F7D9A46

Why does my cat lick a lot?

In this article, we are going to explain why a cat licks a lot. We will see that there are multiple causes that may be behind this behavior, so we will detail them according to the area on

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whydoesmycathavesomanylegaas 3F81363F

Why does my cat have so many legañas?

To all those who love cats who can not resist the temptation to help everyone who meows incessantly under a car, it has crossed our minds to think about the cause of that poor man Kitty has so many

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whydoesmycathaveskinwounds 1F3C7161

Why does my cat have skin wounds?

In this article, we are going to explain why a cat has skin wounds. We will see that there are multiple causes that may be behind the appearance of this type of skin lesions in our cat, such

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whydoesmycathaveredeyes 37211C37

Why does my cat have red eyes?

In this article we will review the most common causes that can explain why a cat has red eyes. It is a condition easily detectable by caregivers and, although it is not usually serious and is resolved quickly,

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whydoesmycathavehairlessparts F3965356

Why does my cat have hairless parts?

The coat of a cat will be your business card and in it we will very easily detect problems such as injuries, dandruff or hair loss. This last issue is what we are going to discuss in this article,

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whydoesmycathavegagging A6C92BF6

Why does my cat have gagging?

The arcades are those involuntary and continuous gestures that you can perform when you feel that you are going to vomit, but finally you do not. Well, it happens to cats in the same way, and for them it’s

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whydoesmycathavedilatedpupils 33D51DBF

Why does my cat have dilated pupils?

In addition to body language, cats use their eyes to communicate with us, other cats and animals of different species. For many, the look of a cat is one of the most mysterious due to the shape so characteristic

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whydoesmycathaveaswollenandhardbelly 7C4F5771

Why does my cat have a swollen and hard belly?

In this article, we are going to explain why a cat has a swollen and hard belly. The seriousness of this situation will depend on the causes that originated it, among which can be found internal parasitosis, feline

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